That's why it ended up never coming out and being vaporware.
I assume that the playable demo (that was supposedly at some game shows years ago) was running on high-end gaming PCs.
Oh well, it was a good pipe dream.
Deep Down screenshots:

That was most likely a super souped-up PS4 demoing that game. Highly doubt that was a standard PS4. Otherwise, why didn't this techno-marvel ever come out? How come no PS4 games to date have even come close to this level of graphics?
Simple answer: These graphics are not possible on PS4.
@Thunder7151: Ok, I thought you were serious, but you're just joking.
Neither of those games come close to the graphics of Deep Down. I have a PS4 and I will admit that it can't do Deep Down's graphics. I was skeptical from the beginning when I first saw the Deep Down demo online, but I remained hopeful. Now I have come to the realization that Deep Down wasn't truly possible on the PS4, and that's why it was never released. Maybe it will still come out on the PS5.
Um, there are multiple games that look like that or better on the ps4. You've got to be kidding - there is nothing special about those screens. I thought it was pretty well reported this went through some dev hell, then something something retooling thinking of changing type of game dramatically... shit happens. Last we heard, they renewed the trademark in Feb of this year for it, but I wouldn't hold your breath
It's not out yet because they went back to the drawing board because they weren't expecting it to be as popular as it was and so they wanted to expand the scope of the game.
That is all.
Those graphics are not impressive at all and have not aged well...... Many games already playable on PS4 right now that look better.
lol Hermits are mad jelly that PS4 games look better than all the Xbone ports on their overpriced nerd rigs. Hey what happened to Star Shitizen? Better donate more money to that Kickstarter lol!
PS4 Pro is like PC's RX-470D with two additional features from Vega which doesn't include memory bandwidth booster tile cache rendering feature.
lol Hermits are mad jelly that PS4 games look better than all the Xbone ports on their overpriced nerd rigs. Hey what happened to Star Shitizen? Better donate more money to that Kickstarter lol!
Got a new alpha version on March 31, 2017. Thanks for asking.
Stay mad. Then again, you always are...
@quadknight: LOL.
So much blur.
Dino-womyn needs some help.
It's almost like she's near-sighted.
BS statements from the likes of you! Apparently you've never played the game obviously.
I was referring to the screenshots posted.
Are you denying that everything outside a 5m radius carries the trademark PS4 glaucoma blur?
And, no, I've not played the game. The setting/premise have 0 appeal for me; like most console titles.
"I got it guys, 'Robotic dinosaurs.'"
The Dino-bots were the Transformers jumping the shark point in the 80s, imo.
@quadknight: LOL.
So much blur.
Dino-womyn needs some help.
It's almost like she's near-sighted.
BS statements from the likes of you! Apparently you've never played the game obviously.
I was referring to the screenshots posted.
Are you denying that everything outside a 5m radius carries the trademark PS4 glaucoma blur?
And, no, I've not played the game. The setting/premise have 0 appeal for me; like most console titles.
"I got it guys, 'Robotic dinosaurs.'"
The Dino-bots were the Transformers jumping the shark point in the 80s, imo.
Blur is added in photo mode, the game doesn't look like this when it runs.
The story and lore is actually quite cool, but why do research or even play the game when you can just blindly hate it like a dork!
@Thunder7151: Is that Sarcasm? Several games shit all over DDs graphics on PS4. Of the four screenshots you posted three were taken from a demo running on a base PS4.
So I guess we can say that this is what happened to Scalebound? The graphics were not possible on Xbox One so they canned it? Absolutely not. This game went through dev hell. It happens. Has little to do with graphics quality.
That was most likely a super souped-up PS4 demoing that game. Highly doubt that was a standard PS4. Otherwise, why didn't this techno-marvel ever come out? How come no PS4 games to date have even come close to this level of graphics?
Simple answer: These graphics are not possible on PS4.
1. Yeah, because making a souped up PS4 is as easy as replacing a graphics card on a PC....
2. Horizon already looks better than Deep Down, and Horizon is an open world sandbox game, not a game set in dark caves
I do want Deep Down, get on that horse Capcom or whoever is making Deep Down, I appreciate that you wanted to expand the vision of the game and that it'll be a better game ideally for it, however I do want this game, it was one of the things that hyped me up for a ps4 in the first place when I bought it the first march after release.
So we got Nioh this year, Let It Die and Dark Souls 3 last year, Bloodborne the year before that, pretty sure Dark Souls 2 the year before that, here's to hoping for a from soft ps4 exclusive later this year or next year (early on) and maybe Deep Down this year or next year.
"Capcom filed a new trademark for Deep Down in the United States on February 9.
This trademark registration is a completely new filing. A previous trademark registration for Deep Down, which was filed in July 2013, is still valid. That trademark had its fifth extension granted in August 2016.
The last time we saw something new from Deep Down was a set of screenshots in December 2014. Then, in February 2015, Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono hinted at the game changing course and growing “much larger” than originally planned, saying that “it might be a while ahead, but we hope to show you something truly different from what was shown previously." "
They filed it in february. The game is without a doubt still happening.
“Since maintaining an online game service is a long-term challenge, if you don’t properly create necessary parts of it in time for the launch, players won’t stick around long even if it’s interesting,” Ono said. “We eventually came to have concerns that Deep Down wouldn’t initially establish itself well with consumers, so we decided to put aside more time so we could perfect it.”
It'd be cool if they had the base game and then let you pretty much get all the release content (full games worth) for 60 dollars, that way the game would pretty much circumvent the ps+ since you can play online games on playstation without ps+ if it's a free, meaning you wouldn't have to have a subscription to do the online functions. Then they can have cosmetics and stuff and also some later dlc considering the game is supposed to be a long term project.
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