There is no reason for Microsoft or Sony to even consider releasing a new console ever. The current consoles (with the exception of the Wii, perhaps) are completely fine. What can Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft offer consumers with new consoles? 1080p graphics without upscaling from 720p? Is that all they have these days? Is that all they got for the next generation of consoles? Has innovation finally ground to a halt?
I believe that better games should be the priority for this industry. The FPS shooter genre are starting to see diminishing returns. People are getting bored of the rehashed crap that gets tossed out onto the marketplace without another thought. There is a reason software sales have been down year over year. A new console will only increase that sense of fatigue amongst consumers.
If the console makers want to preserve console gaming, it is imperative that they start encouraging developers to use new design paradigms with which to generate fresh experiences for an audience that cares less and less about each new console release. The only reason the PS3 and the Xbox 360 succeeded was because they forced it down gamers throats. But, with alternatives to console gaming more of a viable option, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and big video game publishers must offer a compelling argument why people should buy their new consoles and back these claims up with viable features. Flash new graphics will not be enough.
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