@b4x said:
@tormentos: You honestly think I'm blackace?
Please explain how your mind can come to that conclusion? Considering you're the only person on this board that thinks this.
When you can't debate me.... your mind Bi-Polars up and uses another persons post history / information to counter mine.
Tell me how that works?
If you think this, ask an admin to do an IP test on both of us for geographic locations.
Pretty easy.
Apparently not.
Your posting stile is 100% basically the same as Blackace if you are not him god all mighty you are hes twin loss brother and i mean that literally.
Really considering the context of our posts are nothing a like. His stances are different than mine.
You both claim to be gamers for endless years to prove you are right.
Two people on a planet of 7 billion that claim to play games for a long time. Solid evidence there.
You both claim to be Manticore that own all systems,yet we all know you both are die hard lemmings.
Hey man I have admitted to actually liking Microsoft Windows and the Xbox brand more than the others. They offer a better service. IMO
You do the same gift attacks when corner.
Have you ever thought the things that you say on here...... like this horseshit. Cause those gifs?
You do the same meltdowns in the same way when anything bad about the xbox is say.
So when dumbasses on here that don't even own the console in question, base their facts around 2nd hand knowledge, fud, and hyperbole. I call it out. /dealwithit
You both have attack me with racist crap.
So you think being called Puerto Rican... is Racist? You're from Puerto Rico. What else would I call a person from Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans are a mixture of several different races. Spanish, Portuguese, African, White, and possibly Mayan. How could I even attempt to classify you as a specific race. The real question here.. How do you, and why do you take being called Puerto Rican as a bad thing? I would be proud of whatever Human race I was on this planet .
And the last one basically confirmed you and him are the same.
How...? To even pull the race card during a debate about the people of your island receiving funding is a slap in the face to all your ancestors before you. That's the question you should ask yourself. Why you would even take offense in the first place? You're not ashamed of your ancestors? Are you?
On October NPD he was a total miss from the thread,but you were there downplaying how the xbox one got its ass kick by the PS4 by using Drive Club online problems,which were totally irrelevant to the thread.
Then a few days latter Media Create sales come in and you are miss on that thread but Blackace show up,and boy he showed up with the same shit argument you did,using Drive Club to downplay PS4 sales in Japan..
I could care less about Japanese sales. That's why I'm never in those threads. One day in America constitutes for their entire yearly sales combined. With America buying 48% of all console hardware and merchandise. I'm from America.. Why would I be in a thread about Japanese sales? I have been in the UK threads.. correcting lies. I have no reason to be in a Japanese thread. Considering I have zero clue what goes on over there.
It is clear by now that you and him are the same dude.
It's clear in your mind that Anyone that Supports the Xbox or Microsoft are all the same. You lump them into one group and combine their post history and arguments. Then spread the wealth. Why do you think that is?
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