Really? I could get a higher quality Razer Naga for the same price.
yea but your shitty peasant mouse wont have sweet halo art
Yeah, this is cool if you're 12, I guess.
Although: Mouse pad
They aren't expensive enough according to Microsoft apparently, since they'll be selling an $100 one.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
controllers for consoles been $40-$60 for almost a decade now dude....
seriously ppl yall complain too much
It would be better if third parties had competent products. I tried those controllers once that were half the price with the fancy lights in them, the analogs on those things suck so bad it's basically pressing the analog one way registers it as all the way in that direction, so movement is jerky and not fine tuned for subtle directional movements. There's also cheaper X1 third party controllers out there, smaller wired controllers for half price, don't know how they work, but they don't have mic functionality which IMO is a deal breaker.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
Whaaa? Gamecube and Ps2 controllers were $25 I remember. I don't remember N64 controllers being $50...
No they weren't always this expensive and Sony builds theirs like shit, they cost $18 to make or less then they fall apart. Not saying MS doesn't have issues, both are overpriced. Wii U pro however is worth the cost, it's solid and the charge lasts 80 hours.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
Whaaa? Gamecube and Ps2 controllers were $25 I remember. I don't remember N64 controllers being $50...
No they weren't always this expensive and Sony builds theirs like shit, they cost $18 to make or less then they fall apart. Not saying MS doesn't have issues, both are overpriced. Wii U pro however is worth the cost, it's solid and the charge lasts 80 hours.
Just googled it, PS2=35 Gamecube = 30 but yes they were cheaper for sure. I mean a lot more goes into them nowadays, but theyre still drastically overpriced. Even an off-brand X1 Rock Candy Controller goes for 45 (canadian)
Ugh that Halo 5 controller is bad ass. I already have 4 and the Elite controller preordered. What's one more I guess....
For the record I have 4 PS4 controllers too.
Because it's what the market will bear. If idiots pay for them at that price, there is no reason to have it any lower.
I feel with all the controller breaking childish rages I had at games during the NES and SNES days I should know more about this.
Luckily....they used to come with 2 controllers.
But last gen's controllers were $50 I thought...$60 seems about right for a new gen tech, I guess.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
I got several dualshock 2's for like $15 on sale. Wasn't the normal price on those like $30?
It struck me last gen that controllers were starting to get expensive compared to how I remembered them, but eventually there were some deals (I got several for dualshock 3's for $25-30, and even got one bundled with game for <$30). My wired/PC Xbox 360 controller I think I got for like $12. I don't remember prior to dualshock 2 gen, but I don't remember ever paying $50 or $60 for a standard controller.
It seems like they bumped up the price about 15-20% vs. last gen. Not sure why. I like the Dualshock 4, but it has worse battery life by far than Dualshock 3. Not sure the touchpad is worth that battery trade-off and extra $15, although it does feel more solid. Hopefully we start seeing some "bundles" and deals on controllers, because at the price they are that's basically the only way I'm going to buy extras (unless I really need to, or unless my main controller dies).
Controllers have been expensive since the PS1 era but price for them is pretty good relative to inflation
That's really not true. The dualshocks used to be dirt cheap. At least PS1 and PS2 era. Dualshock 3 almost doubled what they were in prior gens, but at least Dualshock 3 had many ways to buy them on sale - and later in the gen they started bundling them with games. The differences now is they bumped the price up another $10, and we really haven't seen too many opportunities to get them cheaper or bundled with a game or whatever.
yes its pretty annoying too. The least these console makers could do is give you two controllers with the damn thing especially when the MS controllers break easily.
I love the Xbox controller and they have way better battery life than the dualshocks but they really need to fix the design so they stop getting drift. I've had to replace two now.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
Whaaa? Gamecube and Ps2 controllers were $25 I remember. I don't remember N64 controllers being $50...
No they weren't always this expensive and Sony builds theirs like shit, they cost $18 to make or less then they fall apart. Not saying MS doesn't have issues, both are overpriced. Wii U pro however is worth the cost, it's solid and the charge lasts 80 hours.
Maybe prices were different here in Canada at the time. I remember in the PS2 days our dollar was shit like it is now. I paid $500 CAD for a PS2 + GT3 bundle.
Well my second X1 controller will be that Halo 5 Spartan Locke controller. That thing looks nice.
Yes, controllers have been this price for a few generations now.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
Whaaa? Gamecube and Ps2 controllers were $25 I remember. I don't remember N64 controllers being $50...
No they weren't always this expensive and Sony builds theirs like shit, they cost $18 to make or less then they fall apart. Not saying MS doesn't have issues, both are overpriced. Wii U pro however is worth the cost, it's solid and the charge lasts 80 hours.
no ps2 controllers were $50
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
PS1 controllers were $20.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
PS1 controllers were $20.
Again, this has already been covered. Not in Canada where my memory of prices is coming from.
US prices were very different back in the late 1990's early 2000's.
They have been $50 since I can remember (at least back into the N64 days).
And back in the 1990's, $50 was worth what $78 is now.
So in reality, controllers are cheaper than what they were.
Touche, inflation wins.
Good controllers have been $50-60 for years. Even on the PS2/Xbox the official controllers were $50.
Considering that's how you interact with the game, I think it's very important that they don't skip on the quality. Standard PS4 and Xbox One controllers are $60 and are extremely well made. Making them cheaper would only lower their quality.
For the record I gave up on cheap mouse and keyboard setups on the PC as well. I use a Razer Deathadder which I got for $70 last year. Fantastic build quality and a very accurate sensor with no frimware bullshit like mouse smoothing or auto prediction or crap like that. My keyboard is a Logitech G110 that cost me $100. I kind of regret that because it's not that great of a keyboard. I will be getting a mechanical keyboard ASAP.
Controllers are extremely important when you are playing games. It's how you interact with them. Cheaping out on your controller is only going to make the experience worse. I'm happy Sony and Microsoft put a lot of effort into their controllers to make them the best possible. That comes at a price but I'm completely willing to pay it.
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