With the acquisitions of so many studios you would think they would have something to offer by now that isn't more of the same. Yet here we are with another year in the history books and their lineup is once again Halo and Forza.
Is it too much to ask of Microsoft to release a new IP? I mean, with the recent news of Avowed being stuck in development hell it may not happen anytime soon. What are they hoarding studios for if they never plan on releasing anything to recoup their money? All of their studios can't be on the same exact cycle. Something is clearly wrong with Microsoft's managing of them. It has been a problem since circa 2010 for them and no matter how many they acquire it always ends up being the same old song and dance.
Will 2022 be better for them? Or will Starfield be delayed and they be forced to try and convince us to care about Gears 6 and Forza 14?
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