with the holidays 2007 on the way, its a time for reflection on the events of this previous year, the highs, the lows and the crunchy middles.
well in terms of the all important sales figures, the WII without a doubt reigned supreme in the hardware department, it sold like freakin hot cakes, in terms of softwares sales and attach rates, the Xbox 360 is the winner their with 5 games per average customer, nothing outstanding comes to mind when mentioning the Ps3 though...
the WII broke sales records and warmed the hearts of kids everywhere, the 360 made history with halo 3 being the fastest selling peice of entertainment history, and entered madam tussards as an entertainment icon.
The PS3 unfortunatly had a dismal year, being the most expensive and latest to the market. and its games lacking, the cows had to endure forum after forum of LOL^^COWS, LAIR4.5OMG!!!, HEAVANLYSHORTSWORDTEHFLOP!! and RATCHET7.5LOLOL!!. good fun for some, not so much for others. a full year of that ownage crap, no gamer should have to endure, some argue they had it coming, others are just mean...but hey its system wars.
in terms of the all important AAAEs for our Consoles of2007 off the top of my head
WII: SMG 9.5...add??
360: Halo 3 9.5, bioshock 9.0 (consoles remember), ummm is that it??
a year of ownage, bitter defeat, gaming at its best, promises for the future, indeed this is the golden age of gaming, from simple arcades in pizza cafes, to the atari commadore, now to the big seventh generation. what a year its been....
im sooooo...bored
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