With battlefield ever so closing in it's just a matter of time till everybody decides what platform their going to play it on.
Rembember cods:
9v9 console
9v9 pc
And the more players the best experience ever. graphics or no graphics.
Some idea's for those who are thinking of buying console edition.
Go look on youtube for building pc check for some cheap pc parts, invest in hobby make your pc a entrtainment system build it like that, simplyfiy it. stick near big tv and add controller towards it, what ever way you look at it your experience will be increased greatly, if your an achievement whore then you will obtain achievements on xbox side while playing on pc version. but not playstation side sorry.
I strongly recommend those who game on consoles? BUILD A ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM FOR GAMING SO when pc exclussives come out just add xbox controller plug it in pc next to your massive tv and wallahh you'll never be cheated. and when finished switch to your console. after all consoles are pc too it's just your limited imagination, pc can take many shapes and forms.
So give it a go build one. and i can tell you! your enjoyment will be nuts, and when finished on pc. either carry it in room, "make a office up"or just leave it near your xbox/ps3 and big tv. pc should never be feared but understood that it's like a wild animal while console is a demesticated animal.
I just want everybody yo enjoy a rare experience that's all and pc can be set any way you like, after all it is a xbox and yes i could say ps3 in a different shape an form that is pc just more demesticated like i said.
Remember a pc's can be cheap as chips. for exmaple (i5 intel processors) are cheap but (amd processors) are cheaper as chips and would really help entry level. if you do your research you can like buy each part once a month or so and build a pc. i'm not refering to the pc that's in a office! or under a desk maxed out. im refering to a pc built by your specifications ones that sit near tv. all i'm doing is giving you an idea. and not all computers need parts ranging upwards in 5000$ range. only 500$ or less depending on you.
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