Its coming up folks and personally iam heaps excited for it! so what games are you hoping will be annouced? ( nothing about games that have already been announced such as infamous 2 or gears 3, just new stuff) anyway heres my list,
New source game ( hopefully half life ep3 or new title.....portal 3 maybe? prob a bit too early)
halo wars 2 ( the first sold over 2 million, and still has a strong online community, i want a SEQUAL!)
new halo title ( either the announcment of halo ce remake or possibly a halo 3 sequal)
new nintendo console ( its recently been rumoured alot, and my hype is pretty high to see what it is, please nothing too gimicky)
xbox 360 add on ( not a new console, but perhaps some type of attachment of somesort to upgrade the graphics or something)
good kinect title ( something decent you know, non of this kinect sports or dance central **** give me something worth it)
portal 2 dlc (technically not a game on its own right or something new, but i really wanted to add this :)
alan wake 2 ( the first was great but constantly used the same cut n paste environments, give us more air to breath)
new crash bandicoot title ( just saw the crytek mod, and now i really want to see some sort of rebirth of some kind of a new crash game)
fallout 4( Loved oblivion, loved fallout 3 even more, and came close to having sex with fallout new vegas, and iam super hyped for skyrim, but i want fallout 4!)
new assassins creed title ( assassins creed 3! yes i wanna see a new assassin a new environment, but keep desmend)
new bungie title ( its gonne be interesting to see what they will come up with)
thats only what came to mind, but theres plently more for sure! anyway whats yours?
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