What are your favorite games of all time, for any console. Also, list your all time favorite console :)
A top 5 or 10 would be great, heres mine.
1. Starcraft: Broodwar (PC) - I have put thousands of hours into this game. I already bought a new pc for Starcraft 2.
2. Dark Cloud (PS2) - No RPG can compare to it imo. This game has been played through over and over again.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - This game defined my childhood.
4. Call Of Duty 4/World at War (PS3/360) - Both are essentially the same thing, pure fun.
5. Super Smash Brothers Melee (N64) - The best game to play with friends no doubt.
6. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) - Simply epic.
7. Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt (NES) - Can't go wrong with it.
8. Goldeneye 007 (N64) - another classic.
9. Counter Strike Source (PC) - The defining FPS.
10. Nightfire 007 (PS2) - Great time with friends back in the day.
Console: Tie between PS2, PS3 and 360.
YOUR turn.
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