For me, I have to go with the third option. I don't have any interest in the series, but then again, I'm not too huge on Western RPGs in general.
But this game does seem to be impressive from the looks of it, even though it doesn't seem like something I'd enjoy. Take Fallout 3 how it is, and not what you wanted it to be. Fallout 3 really isn't Fallout 3. It' a different game all together, but it still has the signature Fallout stuff in the game. Just think of it that way. Forget the name and look at the gameplay.
A lot of people hated Oblivion, despite it getting ridiculously high scores. Hell, even the user scores are AAA, I believe. I never played Oblivion, but I heard Morrowind was good. Shouldn't that show that Bethesda is capable of making good games? Or have they dumbed them down for "console gamers?"
Is the hate for Fallout 3 solely because it isn't following in the footsteps of the previous Fallout games? Why does this game get so much hate when there are even less impressive games coming out, like Killzone 2?
Fallout 3 isn't the game you wanted it to be or the game you thought it was going to be, but I don't think it should take away the fact that there are many impressive things about the game, like over 200 endings. I don't know. Maybe I don't know enough. I watched a few things about it, and just question what it is that's so bad about it.
What say you?
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