As of right this very second:
1) The original Deus Ex. I must replay this some time...see how well it still stacks up. At some stage i will also sit down and play human revolution.
2) Mario Galaxy (World on the snes would also be right up there but i'm only picking one mario platformer)
3) Rome total war. Warhammer TW is also very close.
4) HL2: I very rarely finish games. FPSs even less so. but HL2 was brilliant. also big shout out to HL Alyx. What i played of it was awesome. I want to get my VR setup running again :(.
5) Metroid Prime (2 and 3 were also great. a consistently great series): A wonderful adventure and a pleasure to play. another one i must play again (i have the trilogy on my wiiu). Fingers crossed MP4 lives up to the previous 3.
6) Morrowind: I once spent an afternoon in a library vivec reading books. it was a good afternoon :). I hope bethesda decide to make Elder scrolls games either proper RPGs or action games. Their tightrope walking since morrowind hasn't been great imho. Oblivion and Skyrim are still good but i still prefer Morrowind.
7) Monster Hunter tri (mainly because it was my first MH. Tri ultimate, Gen Ultimate, world and Rise are better games in fairness). introduced me to the world of Monster hunter and i have put 100s of hours into it since. On paper i shouldn't like it...but i do :).
8) Xenoblade Chronicles: Really enjoyable, great story, fantastic world to explore....a great RPG.
9) Baldurs Gate. I actually only finished this recently. there are a few annoyances around traversing maps and dealing with traps but overall this is still a really great game. I must finish the expansion, then it'll be onto the brilliant BG2.
10) FF7: Yeah it was my first FF but the story was ace, the combat was fun for its time and the game was just awesome when it released. I must get around to FF7 R at some stage.
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