I liked it when it was nice and Simple, the best armor and weapons were Dragon, then they started adding Armor Sets, and things that IMO broke the simplicity that made it what it was.
The combat and whatnot is boring, but at the same time you can really multi-task with it. :P
The new skills (well new at the time) like Farming were awful, and didn't feel like the other skills. For Farming you had to make compost (which took a while), plant your seed, water the plant, wait for quite a while, check on it, it might die, might not. Where other skills like Mining and smelting were, dig at the rocks with a pickaxe, get Ore, Smelt Ore, and had a success/fail ratio. Farming should have been similar, "you put the seed in the ground, the plant dies" "You put the seed in the ground, you successfuly grew a tomatoe plant" or something like that.
It's not that bad, especially like I said when you can just multi-task and level skills while doing other stuff. Like playing other games :P
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