For the past year I have befuddled by what's going on in the Japanese market. Not because of the explosiveness of the Wii or staying power of the DS, but more by what the seemingly 'hardcore' gamers seem to be buying.
Admittedly, the bulk of Wii and DS systems are bought by casuals, and that may be an opinion but it is very close to fact. In other words this is my disclaimer to say that I meannothing against Nintendo by excluding them, just that I'm not gonnahave my post sidelined by their great products. It is just that with the Japanesesoftwaresales looking as they do, whatwould that lead anyone to believe? Yeah, there are a lot of casuals playing video games.
Hardcore Japanese gamers are buying PS3s (not in such amounts as, oh say, the Wii) at several times the levels of Xbox 360s. It's one thing to say that a console doesn't offer much to a market, but it has be markedly proven that the 360 has games that are made for the express reasons of capturing Japanese interest (Blue Dragon, for example). The PS3 however only has the promise of future releases (FFXIII, VS XIII, MGS4, etc) and really doesn't offer much in the way of games that cater the Japanesemarket directly right now. The Xbox 360 has had several titles in the market at the moment(Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Forza Motorsport 2, Dead or Alive 4, etc)and many more on the way (Lost Odyssey, Devil May Cry 4, etc)that seem to fall right into what many would the idea of the 'ideal Japanese game'.
Maybe it is the advertisements, Sakaguchi ardently complained about this before (Do, Do, Do/Don't, Don't, Don't). The Xbox 360 just isn't 'hip' enough.
Maybe it'san over-riding stereotype that it's a console full of shooters and sports games (clearly the opposite if onewould look at the line-up) that might be over there as well (we surely knowthe stereotype'shere in the states toan extent).
Hell, it shouldn't be, but could it be xenophobia kicking in?
I don't know what it is, and I've tried to be asfair as I could be in writing this post. Any thoughts? Please post intelligently.
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