Couple things i want for the new Zelda
1. Seasons changing could be really cool. Imagine, puzzles only being able to be solved if the water is frozen so you need to use the song of Winter. Later through the game you unlock the song of Spring so that a bean stalk will grow and you can use it to travel up to a ledge. I'm not a designer but the makers of LoZ could come up with some really great stuff using this type of feature.
2. Make it more like Majora's Mask. You hear it a lot, but MM was a really awesome Zelda game that was SO different from the others that it needs to be borrowed from. Bring back the intense and LONG dungeons that are multilayered and where every lever you pull affects everything there. But also have a lot of dungeons like in TP or OoT. Also from MM, have a great castle town. Clock Town had so many characters and every one of them had a story and side-quests to do, bring that back! And of course, bring a mature story to the game as well much like MM.
3. Most importantly, revolutionize Zelda. When Zelda came to the N64 it came in a whole new perspective and way of playing. I know Miyamoto can do it again. I was thinking an overview again like the original and LttP, but have us control Link differently. Not completely like Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks, but perhaps similar. Like the poll suggests, have something new besides Z-Targeting. Also, i'm not too keen on motion based sword fighting. Unless the developers can make it REALLY cool and interesting and keep it tight to the way of the Zelda experience. which i have confidence they can do if they try.
Thats pretty much all i can think of right now, but even just ONE of those things would be a very welcome change. And like someone else said, a new theme could be really awesome. Maybe not make it in space, but change up the setting for the world instead of just a Tolkien esque fantasy/medieval land
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