I've cared for quite a few, i generally get pretty invested in my games.
many characters in chrono trigger really tug at your heart. Lucca and her mothers accident, what a moment it was when you were able to go back in time and prevent it. Crono's sacrifice and your teams struggle to save him. Frogs tragic life of losing his best friend, being turned into a frog and then having to side with and forgive the one who had caused it all, magus(hey, what fool actually took the option to kill him?!). I could go on for quite awhile.. needless to say, chrono trigger is a powerful game!
Many moments and characters from the final fantasy games(particularly 6) have also had powerful effects on me, but i guess that's what alot of jrpgs try to do! And alot of them have done it well! I also remember earthbound having some great moments, i really cared for those kids! oh, and those awesome mr.saturns too.
Alot of blizzards games have some great characters to get attached to. Arthas was a tragic hero, he had noble intentions but ended up being consumed by them and destroying everything he held dear. Kerrigan was so likable, and Raynor was your buddy; you really wanted things to work out for them..
There's also Link. Perhaps a bit of a surprise given that he doesn't ever say anything, but he's come from humble beginnings just be thrown up against impossible odds. He's been put in some very powerful situations, and in the later games he expresses genuine emotion and it really rubs off onto the player.
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