The PS3 and DSi have become infamous for there lack of backwards compatibility, and though its a nice thing to have, if you have the old games its not hard to hold onto the system. the lack of this feature has opened up an interesting oprotunity for developers though, its easy enough to pursuade fans of just about any series into re-buying a game they enjoyed, and can get away with anything frombarebones ports, heavy updates with extra content, and anything in between. so far we've seen two of these in the forms of the exelent God of War Collection and Megaman Zero Collection. with team ICO collection on the horizon. what else would you like to see come?
I would personaly jump at a Rachet and Clank collection, a Halo collection that bundles the first two games with uprezed grafics, all there maps and online play, or a port of Super Mario All Stars to DS
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