Like the title says are there any comics, books, manga, anime or cartoons you'd like to see adapted into video games. Even if they have been already any other genres or gameplay mechanics you'd like to see them take on, or maybe just better modern graphics on a game you think is perfect gameplay wise?
I'd like a modern Spawn game with Arkham-esques gameplay with third person shooting mechanics in a semi open world Manhattan setting. Spawn would traverse around New York through sewers and roof tops since most people find him unsettling and he is wanted by police so if a player were to stay on the streets too long cops would come to shoot at you unless you disguise yourself as a normal person. The leveling up system can be like in the comics with each new power slowly coming over time like energy blast, disguises, teleportation, chain/cloak defense, the agony axe and etc. A lot of antagonist/villains are easily boss material like The Redeemer, The Violator, Overtkill, Cy-Gor, Chapel, Tiffany and The Curse. There could be moments where you play as other characters such Sam and Twitch and do detective work to help out Spawn, Terry doing spy work on Jason Wynn or Angela hunting monsters and spawns/demons in flashbacks.
They could take the plot of the original comic and add some twist to it like when Jason Wynn was turned into a Redeemer he somehow gained free will due to his lust for power and went rogue or worked his way up the ranks of heaven's army only to try and manipulate its bureaucratic system and have Angela on the run for trying to expose him. He still tries to act like a normal man on Earth and is trying to cause an apocalypse with Malebolgia whom he plans to kill to make himself look like a hero and rule everyone as a new god. Some side stories like finding the ghost of Billy Kincaid and the next victim he's likely to manipulate into killing or helping Tremor beat the mafia and get his brother back.
Another I'd like is a Trigun adaption. It was originally suppose to get a videogame but it was cancelled. The creator of Trigun does have another videogame series which is Gungrave and Gungrave: Overdose but they're pretty simplistic in design. A third person shooter with a heavy emphasis on bullet time and dodging is what I'd like. You can give the enemies some what shoddy aim so it doesn't get turned into a complete cover shooter. There could be a system where you're not allowed to kill enemies since Vash The Stampede doesn't kill. The system can be that if you try aiming for the head or other lethal spots you get much less EXP/points than aiming for their gun wielding hand or somewhere else that disarms them you could deflect bullets by throwing coins at them and run up to them to disarm them. You could scare some enemies off by shooting their hats off or sneaking up on them and scaring them by pressing your fingers against their heads to trick em into thinking they're guns. Take advantage of the environment to take down enemies and protect yourself. There could be segments where you play as characters such as Nicholas D. Wolfwood where you're allowed to kill opponents. The game could have an open world setting that lets you travel to different towns by Thomas, vehicles and sand trains. You could take up quest at towns and do things such as take out bandit outpost, return stolen plants, or run for your life from a bunch of people after your bounty.
Trigun has a pretty unique setting with its mix of sci fi and wild west which can help in creating a great variety of enemies. They can have standard humans and cyborg variations. There is a character in the series that has a robot arm that throws giant boomerangs and another character that has a mechanical gauntlet that can switch from machine gun fire to cannon fire and has a electrical weapon hidden inside that can fry you to death. Just some ideas on the many possibly unique enemies you can have. The game could follow the plot of the manga somewhat and have each of the Gung Ho Guns and Knives as major boss fights. The later half of the game could let you use Vash's plant powers but have a system where if you use them too much and the meter runs out you die, so you have to be wise on when to use them.
A Vampire Hunter D game with Soulsborne style of gameplay. It's perfect for the series in both theme and gameplay. The series inspired Castlevania but it unfortunately didn't translate to a video game itself when it had a Resident Evil survival horror type of adaption with swords instead of guns.
And finally a Ghost In The Shell game with Deus Ex 1/Human Revolution style of gameplay and an Appleseed game with a mix of Metal Gear Solid and Titanfall style of gameplay.
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