What console has the best games ever? And which games are the best ever?
There's a change this has been done before, but I didn't find it, if it is the,tell me and this thread will begone.
You list your 5 favourite games. 1st place gets 5 - 2nd 4 - 3rd 3 - 4th 2 and 5th 1 point
Be sure to also list what systemit is on. (IF PC, list if before 2000 or after 2000.)
My favourites:
Ocarina of time (N64)
God of War (PS2)
Gears of war (X360)
Virtual console also counts as a system (altough you can say Metroid, Nes) , so you can add that.
Best system:
N64 0
Ps1 0
DC 0
Ps2 0
Ps3 0
Gc 0
Xbox 0
Xbox360 0
Pc before 2000 0
Pc after 2000 0
Nintendo Wii 0
Nes 0
Saturn 0
Best games
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