Okay dude, I'm not going to vote in that poll because it's not my place to tell you what you should get. What I like may not nessicarily be what you like,a nd you asked this in the WORSE place! This is SW, you are going to get fanboys out the *** on here yelling at you, just calm down and think about what YOU enjoy and want and not what someone else tells you to enjoy.
Now I will try to help you but I do favor the PS3, so I will try and keep this as unbiased as possible.
Okay now there are a few things you need to consider
1.Exclusives you like more?(this is most important)
2.Online Service you prefer?
3.How important is Blu Ray to you?
4.Controller prefernce?
5.Cost/how much are you willing to spend?
There are NO "wrong" answers to any of these questions, it's just about prefrence. Niether one is "inferior" to the other, and no one can make this dicision for you, you need to make it yourself.
What games do you like more? Do you like Uncharted, Killzone, LBP ect... Then PS3 is the "right" choice for you, if you like Halo, Gears, Fable ect... than 360 is the "right" choice for you.
Also don't listen to people who tell you about multiplats being "superior" or "inferior" on one console or the other, these people are always fanboys talkin out their *** and over exaggerating, 90% you will NEVER see a difference!
As for the online service, again there is no "right" answer here either. The best thing I can do is tell you the differnces and similarities between them and let you decide for yourself.
PSN is FREE online for mulitplayer, it let's you download demo's and games fromt the PS Store and make a Gamertag ect... just like xbox live does. The cons with it though is that system updates take longer than they do on xbox live and the PSN messaging system sucks, you have to send text messages to each other, you can't do party chat or voice messages. You can talk to each other while your in game, but not outside of it like you can on xbox live. Also PSN doesn't have as many people with headsets like Live does, which can be both good and bad depending on how you see it, less people to talk to but also less annoying idiots.
Xbox Live also has a more....how do I say it..."streamlined" service, like inviting people into a game is the same across all games on xbox live because the invite service is built into the Live service it'self (among other things), where as PSN you have to go through the game it'self to do it, some games it's easy but others it's not. Also the Xbox live market place has more content than PS Store does and it usually get's things a little sooner than PSN does (about a month usually) so that's something else to consider. The big con of xbox live is paying to play and it's a closed network, meaning that MS isn't as friendly to devs wanting to do things their own way like giving free content ect.. where as PSN is the opposite.
As far as everything else goes they are the same, niether one "lags" more so than the other, anyone telling you that is a fanboy. And both seem to have the same number of players and both seem to have people of equal skill levels. No one REALLY knows which service has more, but in 90% of online games they seem to be the same and you'll have no issues getting into matches on either service. All this talk about lagging and disconnecs/dropped matches ect...is the result of their own inernet connection and nothing else.
Beyond that there are other things to consider, like is Blu-Ray important to you? Which controller is more comfortable to you? ect... Once again there is no "Wrong" answer to anything. It's just up to you to decide...
Sorry I made this so long but I'm REALLY trying to help you decide for yourself and not listen to anyone else. Also I like PS3 more but I tried to keep this post as unbiased as possible and tried not to spin it one way or the other.
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