being a gamer for the past 15 years,i have been part of a few generations of consoles,whereas playstation 2 gave what us gamers needed (not to forget pc),the present consoles-are they giving us what we need-enough GAMES!!!???having both the ps3 & 360 i would like to make this statement that ps3 has not offered fans what we need-games!!!ever since the launch of ps3 we r waiting for gt5,whereas we should have got gt6 by now!!!we are waiting for gow3,whereas where is gow4..??the only games worth in ps3 are a few sequels of popular ps2 games,and exclusives-how many??10 before the next gen of consoles come in??did we spent a whole generation of consoles to play a handful of games??i am not a mad fanboy or biased,but 360 has given me every week atleast a wonderful game ever since it has come 2 market..despite hardware issues in the beginning the console has proved itself with lower production values and yet greater results with some outstanding quality of games and will deliver the same till the next console comes out..i really game coz of the 360.!!
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