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PS3 Backwards Compatible 250gb
PS3 Games: Folklore, Metal Gear Solid 4, Mercs 2, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Call of Duty 4, GTA IV, Devil May Cry 4, Hot shots golf, Battlefield BC, Rachet & Clank TOD, Assasins Creed, Condemned 2, Burnout, stranglehold, Dark sector, singstar vol 1, Buzz, Smackdown Vs Raw, Oblivion, Rainbow six 2, unreal 3 and GH3.
PSN Games: Pain, Elephunk, Super Stardust HD, Pixel Junk Eden, Mortal Kombat 2 and echocrome
PS1 PSN Games: Driver, Crash bandicoot & crash team racing.
PS3 PSN Games: WarHawk & Siren
Demos: Socom confrontation
Add on content: MGS4 Database, 3 Warhawk Packs, COD4 map pack, resistance Map pack, 2 stardust add-ons, Unreal map pack, rainbow six 2 map pack.
Themes: Own custom theme
Music: AC/DC, Iron maiden, Guns and roses, Nickelback and remi zero.
PS2 Backwards Compatible Games: All the PS2 Singstar games, God of War & God of war 2
ps3- uncharted R&C:TOD UT3 Warhawk MGS4 GTA4 Resistance Folklore
PS3 DLC- Pain Skydiving(why did i buy this) Crash bandicoot
Xbox 360- gears bioshock halo 3 blue dragon crackdown COD2,3,4 Graw1,2 RB6:V Ace Combat 6 Virtua Fighter 5 Soul calibur 4 FNR3 Forza 2 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Conan DMC4 Rockband Table Tennis Assassins Creed Lost Planet
xbox 360 arcade- TMNT Worms Carcassone Pub Games(also wondering why i bought this)
Psp- GTA:LCS Gow Syphon filter LS Socom Tekken
Sony 42 inch 1080i
doing this post made me realize i spend too much lol
i think i have more than what ive posted
20 GB 360
360 games: I've played so many so i'm not gonna list them all, but... GeoW, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Soul Calibur 4, Call of Duty 2, 3, 4, GTA 4, Oblivion, Ninja Gaiden 2, R6V, R6V2, Rock Band, Burnout Paradise, Ace Combat 6, PDZ, Saints Row, Dead Rising, Viva Pinata, LOTR: BFME II, DoA 4, Guitar Hero 2, 3, The Orange Box, The Bigs, Madden 07, 09, NBA 2k6, 7, 8, MLB 2k6... and i know i'm forgetting some.
XBLA games: Bomberman Live, Castle Crashers, Alien Homind HD, Fable 2 Pub games, UNO, Outpost Kaloki X, Carcassone, Novadrome, Lumines Live, Bankshot Billiards 2, Undertow, Smash TV, Ultimate MK3, Galaga, Geometry Wars, Frogger, Aegis Wing, Hexic HD, Contra.
Xbox games: I've sold all but a few of my original games and i haven't bought any off the marketplace.
Demos: NBA Live 09, NFL Head Coach 09, GH Aerosmith, Facebreaker
Add-on content: A lot that i can't remember. A few of the top of my head are Oblivion Shivering Isles, Mass Effect DLC, Guitar Hero 3 DLC, Halo 3 map packs, etc.
Themes: A lot but i'm using the Castle Crashers one right now.
Videos: Witchblade and Voltron episode (some free anime i got that i haven't watched), and a few Saints Row 2 videos.
Music: I mainly just load my mp3 player every time when i want to listen to music but i have the pre-loaded playlist as well as a custom one mainly consisting of Metallica.
what no FF XIII theme for 360 that sucksnaruto7777I'm sure there will be. There's themes for everything even if there's only 1 or 2 that you have to pay for; but the game doesn't come out for over a year and it was just announced for the 360.
Memory: 80GB
Games: MGS4, MotorStorm.(Getting Disgaea 3 and maybe Uncharted later.)
PSN Games: Super Stardust HD, PixelJunk Eden, Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for booty.
Demos: Star Wars: Force Unleashed, Pure, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, The Last Guy.
Misc: Qore
Memory: 20GB
Games: Halo 3, Bioshock, GTA4, Assassin's Creed, COD4, Gears Of War.
Demos: ToV, Madden 09, and some other ones I can't remember.
Wii games: SSBB, SMG, LoZ:TP, MP3, MKwii, GH3, SPM, Wii play/sports, Links cBT
GC backwars compadible: MP1+2, SSBM
VC: OoT, metroid3, SM64, SMB1+3, aLttP, SMW
WW: Gyrostar
Controller: 3 wiimotes w/jackets ,2nunchuks, classic controller, Guitar w/custom faceplate, Wheel, zapper,4GC controlles (one wavebird)
Other: 2gig sd card, Wii charging station
Crap I have alot!
20 GB 360
2 controlers
games- rockband, GH3, GEOW, COD 4, GTA IV, Lord of the rings Battle for middle earth
XBL games- geometry wars 1/2 caracossone, castle crashers, braid, feeding freenzy, Yaris, hardwood spades
Uh... 360 Premium.
Guitar Hero 2 (2 wired controllers)
1 white, 1 black controllers, and a charge station.
Halo 3, Heroic Edition
Assassin's Creed (And no, never even crossed my mind to sell it)
NFS: Carbon
Rock Band
(haven't had my console in a while, so pretty soon will replenish my library with Conan, Dead Rising, Armored Core 4, etc...)
Xbox 360
- Games: Fallout 3, Splinter Cell: DA, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Fable 2, Condemned, GTA4, Madden 07, Monster Madness, PDZ, Kameo, X-men,Marvel: UA, Bomberman Act Zero, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Star Wars: Force Unleashed, Dead Rising, Oblivion, Gears of War, Halo 3, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Prey, Guitar Hero 2, The Darkness, Viva Pinata, Viva Pinata 2, Spiderman, PGR3, Ninja Gaiden 2
- XBLA games (all are free, i have yet to buy one): Aegis Wing, Yaris, Contra, Carcassorone, Texas Hold Em Poker
- Movies: Code Monkeys (it was free).
DLC: Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack, Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack, Rainbow 6 Vegas map pack, gears of was map pack,pdz map packs, some various (free) small content (lost odyssey, kameo, dead rising, and a couple more)
Demos: Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, Naurto: Broken Bond, Mirror's Edge, Pure
Theme: Final Fantasy 13 (custom)
Gamerpic: Halo 3 Recon (keep it clean pic)
Music: Streaming my computer (about 10GBs of music)
-for the record, I have yet to actually use my own money for anything. The only thing that cost points that i bought was the legendary halo 3 map pack and that was from free points gave me
PS3 60GB B.C.
Games: Oblivion, Rainbow Six Vegas, Call of Duty 4, Warhawk, Assassins Creed, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Silent Hill Homecoming and Dead Space
PSN: Pain and Metal Gear Database
Demos: Mirrors Edge
Xbox360 20GB
Games: Quake 4, Condemned 1 and 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, Rock Band, Gears of War, Dead Rising and Mass Effect
20 gig 360 with two wired controllers and two wireless controllers.
Halo 3, Orange Box, Rock Band, Crackdown, Madden 08, GeOW, Tiger Woods 08, Guitar Hero 2, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 2 and 3, Kameo, Oblivion, and more that I'm too lazy to get up and check.
Arcade games: Geometry Wars, Zuma, Uno, Hexic, Feeding Frenzy, Braid, Heavy Weapon, and more that, again, I'm too lazy to get up and check.
Since this is an old thread I have updated my info......
PS3 (originally 60bg) Backwards Compatible 250gb
PS3 Games: Folklore, Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Call of Duty 4, GTA IV, Devil May Cry 4, Hot shots golf, Battlefield BC, Rachet & Clank TOD, Assasins Creed, Condemned 2, Burnout, stranglehold, Dark sector, singstar vol 1, singstar vol 2, Buzz, Smackdown Vs Raw, Oblivion, Rainbow six 2, unreal 3,GH3, Deadspace, fallout 3, MOH Airborne, COD3, Fight night.
PSN Games: Pain, Elephunk, Super Stardust HD, Pixel Junk Eden, Mortal Kombat 2, linger in Showdows and echocrome
PS1 PSN Games: Driver, Crash bandicoot & crash team racing.
PS3 PSN Games: WarHawk & Siren
Demos: Mirrors Edge, smakdown vs Raw 09, fifa 09 and Pro evo 09
Add on content: MGS4 Database, 3 Warhawk Packs, COD4 map pack, resistance Map pack, 2 stardust add-ons, Unreal map pack, rainbow six 2 map pack and Deadspace DLC.
Themes: Own custom theme
Music: AC/DC, Iron maiden, Guns and roses, Nickelback and remi zero.
PS2 Backwards Compatible Games: All the PS2 Singstar games, God of War & God of war 2
BLU-RAY Movies: Casino Royal, Ghost rider, 30 days of night, Fantastic 4 - Silver Surfer, Blackhawk down, Monster house, Surfs up, Hellboy, Spiderman 3, night at the musium, 300
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