I think we are reaching a plateu i dont think its going to be a signiffint increase in graphics in consoles next gen, however i could be wrong and we will see graphics that look like the movie beowolf.
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I think we are reaching a plateu i dont think its going to be a signiffint increase in graphics in consoles next gen, however i could be wrong and we will see graphics that look like the movie beowolf.
graphics will continue to improve, always. just like cpus. thinking they wont is insanity.
At least until the technological civilization ends.diped
well iam asking is it going to be a huge improvement. the graphics from the 16bit to the 32/64 gen was the biggest increase in graphics i seen in a while.
Take PC graphical horsepower in its current state, and then multiply that by [Xnumber-of-years] / [the 1.5 years Moores law says technology doubles in power (or 2 if being conservative)]. That should at least give you a rough idea as to how powerful consoles mightbe next gen. (I'm aware that this by itself doesn't directly indicate how far graphics might improve)
[QUOTE="diped"]graphics will continue to improve, always. just like cpus. thinking they wont is insanity.
At least until the technological civilization ends.EmperorZeruel
well iam asking is it going to be a huge improvement. the graphics from the 16bit to the 32/64 gen was the biggest increase in graphics i seen in a while.
2-D to 3-D wasn't a bigger change? : S
1080p Will still be the sweetspot IMO, and id expect Crysis level or even better visuals to be standard for 95% of FPS.
Are you serious? I hope this not the anywhere near the highest point. Aside from the graphics they can also increase the scale of the games with better hardware. Photo realism is going to be the graphics plateau, and then game developers will start focusing on the depth and size of their games.T3h_m1zp3Lled_1I don't believe they'll ever achieve 100% photo realism. I mean there comes a point when it's all down to the skill and mastery of the artist. How often do you see a painting that so completely fools you? It's rare, because that kind of talent is somewhat rare.
Possibly. I think crysis quality graphics will probably be equal to the launch titles of next-gen consoles.
Wtf is wrong with you people. Crysis doesn't look that good. In fact, in my opinion, it's just above average. Hell, gears 2 MGS4 and Drake's fortune are more visually pleasing in my opinion. By next gen, 7 years from now, i don't think graphics will improve that much. What would really blow me away is a big jump in textures, some games still have bad textures.
Ps4 and 720, will most likly use lower end 8 seires card to reduce costs, like they always do, or higher 7series.. im not sure. but i am sure they never use the highest card at the time, each console would cost 1000$
Does'nt the PS3 use a 7 series geforce type chipset, or at least a GPU thats a variant of the geforce 7, 360 might even be a low end 8 series.
I think between the PS1 and the PS2 Graphics memory increased from 4mb - 32mb and from the PS2 to the PS3, it increased to 512mb.
Even if graphics memory for next gen consoles increases at the same ratio as the increase between the PS1 and PS2, it would be in line to be around 4Gigabyte, thats a hell of alot of graphics memory by todays standards, if it increased 16x like the PS2-PS3 were looking at 8GB graphics memory.
Cant recall the specs but thought the Xbox had 64mb of memory, still the same kind of jump to the 360's memory, roughly speaking.
I really think at the lowest we can expect 2gb on the next consoles, probably even 4Gb.
Previous generations kind of suggest that kind of step up, seems crazy to even think about that kind of graphics memory nowadays, but with texture resolution increasing all the time games are going to need it, its probably not that far fetched by 2010-2011.
Take PC graphical horsepower in its current state, and then multiply that by [Xnumber-of-years] / [the 1.5 years Moores law says technology doubles in power (or 2 if being conservative)]. That should at least give you a rough idea as to how powerful consoles mightbe next gen. (I'm aware that this by itself doesn't directly indicate how far graphics might improve)
Yeah but Moore himself said recently that even his law is coming to an end soon, theres only so far current tech can go.
[QUOTE="EmperorZeruel"][QUOTE="diped"]graphics will continue to improve, always. just like cpus. thinking they wont is insanity.
At least until the technological civilization ends.rolo107
well iam asking is it going to be a huge improvement. the graphics from the 16bit to the 32/64 gen was the biggest increase in graphics i seen in a while.
2-D to 3-D wasn't a bigger change? : S
16 to 32/64 was the big jump from 2d to 3d
I think Sony and Microsoft's next consoles will push it even further and Nintendo will up themselves to around the same level as the 360 now. There really is only so far you can go and we're definetly getting somewhat close to photo realism. Give it 15 years or so and we'll be there I reckon.
Well, whilst playing MGS4 for a few split seconds I saw past the uncanny valley and had to convince myself it wasn't actually real life footage I was looking at.
Possibly. I think crysis quality graphics will probably be equal to the launch titles of next-gen consoles.
Wtf is wrong with you people. Crysis doesn't look that good. In fact, in my opinion, it's just above average. Hell, gears 2 MGS4 and Drake's fortune are more visually pleasing in my opinion. By next gen, 7 years from now, i don't think graphics will improve that much. What would really blow me away is a big jump in textures, some games still have bad textures.
LOL WUT?! how can you say crysis isent that good looking?
Possibly. I think crysis quality graphics will probably be equal to the launch titles of next-gen consoles.
Wtf is wrong with you people. Crysis doesn't look that good. In fact, in my opinion, it's just above average. Hell, gears 2 MGS4 and Drake's fortune are more visually pleasing in my opinion. By next gen, 7 years from now, i don't think graphics will improve that much. What would really blow me away is a big jump in textures, some games still have bad textures.
Really? I could understand if you wanted to attack it for something subjective like its art style.
But do you really feel Drake's Fortune looks better than Crysis?
[QUOTE="ThePlothole"]Take PC graphical horsepower in its current state, and then multiply that by [Xnumber-of-years] / [the 1.5 years Moores law says technology doubles in power (or 2 if being conservative)]. That should at least give you a rough idea as to how powerful consoles mightbe next gen. (I'm aware that this by itself doesn't directly indicate how far graphics might improve)
Yeah but Moore himself said recently that even his law is coming to an end soon, theres only so far current tech can go.
[QUOTE="EmperorZeruel"][QUOTE="diped"]graphics will continue to improve, always. just like cpus. thinking they wont is insanity.
At least until the technological civilization ends.rolo107
well iam asking is it going to be a huge improvement. the graphics from the 16bit to the 32/64 gen was the biggest increase in graphics i seen in a while.
2-D to 3-D wasn't a bigger change? : S
16 to 32/64 was the big jump from 2d to 3d
i dout we will ever see a change as big as the one we sawfrom 16 to 32/64
I don't think there will be a graphical overhaul (in terms of appearance) but I think the amount of things/options possible in the game world would be extremely massive.verbalfilth
assuming were looking at a 2011,2012 launch window and assuing no one pulls a nintendo.
for the PS4 and 720:
crysis at max settings at 1080P should be the look of launch titles on the systems...that kind of level anyway. really the game should pose no problems to them. after that...who knows? games, even realistic ones, still have a sort of cartoon or CGI movie effect to them. they dont look like real life. so we will probably see more strides in improving that area.
from a horsepower perspective, i think MS will stick to the flexible mindset, devs can make it the console they want it to be so to speak. things like physics will probably be shared with the GPU also...instead of the CPU doing all that work in that area. so a very flexible and configurable system from a dev perspective. i also suspect that sony will stick to their guns and release a console that has higher peak performance (on paper at least) but is an absolute B*&^H to develop for..with a very clean division between CPU and GPU duties.
as for nintendo....god heavens knows. with all the money there making and the talent of their engineers....thay could end up with a monster of a thing thats powered by a synthetic blackhole and a CPU built on love, not transistors.
however im guessing it wont be that :P. going by nintys pattern, i dont think they will do a nintendo...i think its just going to be improvements and refinements all round for the wii2. in terms of horsepower...i dont think ninty are going to compete with MS and sony again.....there going to aim for a small and quiet console again. however i would be dissapointed if it wasnt more powerful than the PS3 and 360..ideally about half way between a PS3 and a PS4 (and a lunch price of less than 300 dollars...with a game of some sorts in the box). ideally id want to see it playing at crysis levels at at least high settings at 720P.
Id say the ps4 will be about the equivalent of a GTX 280, QX9750 and 4gb 800mhz in a Vista DX10 pc.
For wii 2, if they stay like they are this gen, then id expect to see about the same as 360.
It won't be too significantly better in order to keep costs down. One thing ths gen succeeded in doing was alienating alot of gamers from last gen with its prices. There were 150 million consoles sold last gen, yet this gen hasn't even broken 50 million thanks to the higher prices. Ps2 launched at $300 and the ps3 launched at double the price with $600. This is pretty clear through the wii's success.slickchris7777This gen has only been around for two and a half years, and two of the consoles have only been out for a year and a half. 150 Million by the end of this generation (2011-2012) shouldn't be hard at all if consoles keep up their rate according to your numbers.
except for this gen, nintendo has traditionally released a powerful console
i understand why they didn't do the same this time .. they were taking a huge risk with the wii, and after the relative failure of the GC, they were cautious
so i'm interested to see what they do next gen .. i wouldn't be completely happy with 360/PS3 graphics, but crysis graphics would be fine
since their risk has paid off, nintendo might opt to release a powerful console, still with a wiimote-like controller
or, because they made easy profit with the wii, they might just release another sub-par console
[QUOTE="slickchris7777"]It won't be too significantly better in order to keep costs down. One thing ths gen succeeded in doing was alienating alot of gamers from last gen with its prices. There were 150 million consoles sold last gen, yet this gen hasn't even broken 50 million thanks to the higher prices. Ps2 launched at $300 and the ps3 launched at double the price with $600. This is pretty clear through the wii's success.SooshyThis gen has only been around for two and a half years, and two of the consoles have only been out for a year and a half. 150 Million by the end of this generation (2011-2012) shouldn't be hard at all if consoles keep up their rate according to your numbers.
Assuming this generation ends in 2012 (4 years), that means 100 million/4=25 million consoles per year. 25/3= 8 million of each sold per year, which is 670,000 of each console per month until 2012. It's not going to happen.
[QUOTE="-HalleR-"]Ps4 and 720, will most likly use lower end 8 seires card to reduce costs, like they always do, or higher 7series.. im not sure. but i am sure they never use the highest card at the time, each console would cost 1000$
Does'nt the PS3 use a 7 series geforce type chipset, or at least a GPU thats a variant of the geforce 7, 360 might even be a low end 8 series.
I think between the PS1 and the PS2 Graphics memory increased from 4mb - 32mb and from the PS2 to the PS3, it increased to 512mb.
Even if graphics memory for next gen consoles increases at the same ratio as the increase between the PS1 and PS2, it would be in line to be around 4Gigabyte, thats a hell of alot of graphics memory by todays standards, if it increased 16x like the PS2-PS3 were looking at 8GB graphics memory.
Cant recall the specs but thought the Xbox had 64mb of memory, still the same kind of jump to the 360's memory, roughly speaking.
I really think at the lowest we can expect 2gb on the next consoles, probably even 4Gb.
Previous generations kind of suggest that kind of step up, seems crazy to even think about that kind of graphics memory nowadays, but with texture resolution increasing all the time games are going to need it, its probably not that far fetched by 2010-2011.
A few points I'd like to correct: That's the total memory for those systems, not just the graphical memory (which was only 512KB for the PS1, 4MB for the PS2, and 256MB for the PS3). The Xbox did have 64MB of memory, though it was actually shared between the system and graphics (similar to the 512MB of shared memory in the 360). And then finally, GB (GigaByte) =/= Gb (Gigabit).Both Microsoft and Sony are (or at least were) taking huge losses on each console sold this gen. More than I could imagine Nintendo, which has always been a much smaller company, could absorb.i understand why they didn't do the same this time .. they were taking a huge risk with the wii, and after the relative failure of the GC, they were cautious
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