Just wondering what was on everyone's mind for game purchases the remainder of the year. My plan isn't set in stone, but there is a number of high-profile games I will be getting on day-1. More so than I expected. I have to plan accordingly to make sure I have the spare cash. So many games.
The start of the awesome, second half of 2016 kicked off with Rare Replay earlier this month. Been pretty much playing that nonstop. I'm nowhere near finishing everything. And then on the 25th, I am excited to say that both Gears Ultimate and Mega Man Legacy come out. Then on the 1st of September is the first of the BIG ones...
Metal Gear Solid V comes out the first. I expect between these three games, I will have my work cut out for me until October 27, when Halo 5 comes out. I might go back and pick up Rock Band 4 though if there is a break in between the first of Sep and the end of Oct. Edit: Forgot about Super Mario Maker.--Pickin this up too.
The next BIG one for me is on November 10th.--Fallout 4 gets released. I am excited to play Rot Tomb Raider that comes out on the same day, but I simply won't have time to give it the attention it deserves. Especially if I am going to be playing Fallout 4, or if I am still playing MGSV, at that. Edit: Also forgot about DQ Heroes.--gotta have it day-1.
Lastly, I pretty much have an entire month to get my shit in order before the last day-one purchase, which is Just Cause 3 on December 1st. If there is a sliver of downtime in between games, I plan on going back and getting Mad Max, The Uncharted Collection.
And that is about it for my event calendar of the year. I reserve my right to grab any random game on a whim, but I think I'll stick to this with 98% accuracy. What about you guys? What is your exciting games calendar till the end of this year? Or beyond?
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