Easy, insecurity.
Whenever I think: "Oh my god I really want to play Uncharted 2 (and I do)!"; I then think: nah but the ps3 is crap, PC is much better! In doing so I ensure myself that i've made the right choice, even though there is no such thing.
Blessed are those with large wallets they have not the need to create large Inferiority Complex'es do defend their minds!
That reminds me of the law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, the more we play our consoles, in time,the less satisfied we get the more we want some truly epic game that usually does not arrive. When we buy a Video Game we usually have a wrong conception of what really it is (we are largely driven to misconceptions because of Gaming Sites - they mostly serves as a paid PR to the producers), the gap between what we think it would be and what it isleads us to very distinct feeling : disapointment. Remember how PS3 was first promoted?
So I say that the life of a guy who likes to game is mostly filled with (in regard to this hobbie) with small disapointments. An personal example are the games that most disapointed me, all of them stellar: Mass Effect, Gears ofWar 2 (mostly because of mp), Call of Duty MW2 -and everyones favorite, GTA IV.
When you're given enough time it all comes round and whenthe broken expctations, the disapointment meets a stupid (and poor) insecure nerd, is when we have the psycological birth of a fanboy.
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