I personally think Mario would benefit going rated-M for mature.
What are some others you think would benefit maturity?
Mario, for sure. Zelda also. Does Metroid have an R game in its catalogue? Also Donkey Kong. But then again how would Donkey Kong be made for an R game?
Mario, for sure. Zelda also. Does Metroid have an R game in its catalogue? Also Donkey Kong. But then again how would Donkey Kong be made for an R game?
I think Zelda would be a great M-rated game. He hasn't said a single swear word yet, or any word for that matter. Dropping an F-bomb here and there would be an easy way to boost up the maturity rating.
For Mario, I think it's about time he embrace his drug addiction for magic mushrooms. Imagine a Mario game where mushrooms are made illegal, and the whole premise is him acquiring them on the streets.
We don't need an M rated Zelda because Fromsoft games do what Nintendo cannot. But a hyper violent Mario game could be pretty fun.
But i can't think of anything that would benefit the M rating more than Metroid and the Star Wars IP. Exploring some alien worlds with dead space like gore in Metroid could be amazing (even tho with Nintendo hardware, even by 2040 they wouldn't be able to achieve what's needed). As for Star Wars, i don't think an explanation is needed, but lightsaber+flesh=?
An M rated, no holds barred Zelda game would be awesome... But that will literally never hapoen
Metroid too.
And isn't it sad? This is why the owner of the IP better not be focused on children.
While I think it would be initially funny in a way, just out of shock value, I can’t see how it would really “benefit” them. Especially the Nintendo stuff. There’s already tons of “mature” rated games to choose from. It’s good to have a selection of top notch E-rated games available as well.
While I think it would be initially funny in a way, just out of shock value, I can’t see how it would really “benefit” them. Especially the Nintendo stuff. There’s already tons of “mature” rated games to choose from. It’s good to have a selection of top notch E-rated games available as well.
C'mon, live a little.
While I think it would be initially funny in a way, just out of shock value, I can’t see how it would really “benefit” them. Especially the Nintendo stuff. There’s already tons of “mature” rated games to choose from. It’s good to have a selection of top notch E-rated games available as well.
Yup... but if I had to answer, it's Metroid, because that IP is closer than the others.
@jaydan: forza for sure...I'd like to see some booty, tits and ass in our racing game like we used to in thr old days.
I think an M rated Animal Crossing would be cool. Getting to cut people up with your axe, growing marijuana plants, seal clubbing, having the villagers cuss you out if you haven't played in a long time, putting a stripper pole in your house, K. K. Slider singing some Infant Annihilator songs, etc. The sky is the limit!
I think an M rated Animal Crossing would be cool. Getting to cut people up with your axe, growing marijuana plants, seal clubbing, having the villagers cuss you out if you haven't played in a long time, putting a stripper pole in your house, K. K. Slider singing some Infant Annihilator songs, etc. The sky is the limit!
People already find ways to get villagers to cuss and say dirty things. Lol
But that would be an interesting concept for sure to have it in the coding of the game. Make it the opposite of wholesome. I like the idea of growing weed crops.
There should be an alternative criminal underground method of gaining bells as well, like being able to break into shops and the town hall during the after hours and commiting robberies.
Have a host of criminal villagers. Like have an occasional murder mystery where a villager mysteriously dies, have a whole quest of interrogating the villagers to catch a serial killer. Have another villager committing arson and leaving others homeless.
There could be a whole notoriety system in the game, so if crime runs rampant in your village it prevents wholesome animals from wanting to move in.
I'd like to see a really grim city builder. Not like Frostpunk (that's very grim!), but something like SimCity or Cities Skylines.
Like, you can enact marshal law and then your citizens could revolt, so you'd roll over them in tanks. You;d hear their screams.
Or maybe you went a little too liberal with your tolerance of drugs and forgot to build recovery centers, so when you did "meth for all" policy suddenly your town is overrun with tweakers eating peoples' faces, or like Philly where there's just blocks of people standing like zombies off opioids.
Yeah that'd be fun. Like a current-day dystopian city builder. Might be a little too close to home for some though.
I personally think Mario would benefit going rated-M for mature.
What are some others you think would benefit maturity?
A "Dark Mario" would be amazing.
Change the plot so Luigi has sex with Peach and Mario is like "You're not my brother anymore. Now you die!" and their fight through the Mushroom Kingdom leaves thousands of dead in their wake in their epic battle of revenge. Mario could be like "SHE'S MY WIFE!" and Luigi would drop the bombshell like "WE'RE IN LOVE" then *blort blort blort* goes the fireballs from Mario and Luigi turns into a werefox and flies away, only to drop helpless turtles on Mario.
Microsoft Flight Simulator
That's easy, just add the World Trade Center back in...
I'm sure every game ever made has an AO depiction of it somewhere on the internet... that's just basic rule 34.
@nirgal: A little piece of me died
@blaznwiipspman1: How did you enjoy BMX triple X?
@SOedipus: Mario Party? You may be on to something
I personally think Mario would benefit going rated-M for mature.
What are some others you think would benefit maturity?
What is E?
Speaking off Mario.
An adult Mario can only look like a serial killer lol..
Take a wild guess. If rated-M is for Mature audiences, what is the opposite end of the spectrum, Rated-E.
It is like asking if God of War, Halo, The Last of Us, Like a Dragon or any M-rated game series would benefit going Rated-E for Everyone.
Imagine seeing Kratos killing his enemies without the typical blood and gore. It would not be God of War, just like seeing Mario and his friends engaging in violent or "mature" behavior would not be Super Mario.
It is like asking if God of War, Halo, The Last of Us, Like a Dragon or any M-rated game series would benefit going Rated-E for Everyone.
Imagine seeing Kratos killing his enemies without the typical blood and gore. It would not be God of War, just like seeing Mario and his friends engaging in violent or "mature" behavior would not be Super Mario.
Look at it from this angle: there are some people on this site that don't play E-rated games because they find them kiddy.
With that said, wouldn't you like it if some of these E-rated games went M for Mature to get these audiences to play them? All it takes is some sex and violence; gore and a few dozen F-bombs dropped into a Kirby game.
I personally think Kirby could benefit from this, because no self-respecting man wants to play as a little pink puffball running around waving around at the camera like the little sissy he is.
Now imagine if they gave Kirby some tattoos that represent his roughed up lifestyle, an eye patch for good measure, stretch mark scars, a manly voice full of fowl language, and guns that tear and shred. Just think about that, mature audiences don't be left out anymore.
Animal Crossing could be great as well, especially if the dialogue is great (funny).
If Nintendo worked on the AI big time and didn't put any limits in place in terms of what the AI would generate, it could get....er....interesting to say the least. They would probably ban it in Australia just for it's potential to actually screw people up :P.
@my_user_name: I think you make a good point here with Jedi. A lot of T (teen) rated games would probably be better if they went for an M. But I can't really think of any E (everyone) games that would benefit from adding in blood, cursing, or sex. Like, an M-rated spoof of Animal Crossing could be funny for a while, but the novelty would wear off. Shocking or funny is cool the first time you see it, but turns to "ehh" on repeat viewings. Doesn't have the leggs that charming or cute does.
It is like asking if God of War, Halo, The Last of Us, Like a Dragon or any M-rated game series would benefit going Rated-E for Everyone.
Imagine seeing Kratos killing his enemies without the typical blood and gore. It would not be God of War, just like seeing Mario and his friends engaging in violent or "mature" behavior would not be Super Mario.
I was talking to a friend about a potential follow up to Mario Kart 8.
He brought up several violent items that could be in a new Mario Kart. To which I responded:
"Nintendo probably wouldn't do that because they want to keep the games kid friendly family entertainment"
He responded: but the game already has bullets and bombs people fire at eachother.
I had to give him that.
We can also have FF7 Rebirth M rated so Tifa could be half naked and such. That would be fine as well, like really, and honestly.
Seeing as how Palworld came out with a teen rating and absolutely shoved it's thumbs into the pokemon brand's eye sockets, I'll go with Pokemon. People would pay good money to headshot a Pikachu and make a hat out of it's skin.
Ninja Turtles - let them kill, like they do in the comics
Pokemon - Replace the chibi animals with awesome demons and monsters. Or make it a dirty sex game, where you're trying to spread diseases all over... "gotta catch em all"
Animal Crossing - A racing game, where your turbo meter is filled by splattering every creature possible.
None, most likely. It would make them sell less.
From a personal perspective though, I want basically all violent games to be more violent. Dismemberment is weirdly uncommon. Gaping bulletwounds would be sweet. Stuff like that.
Yeah, as far as violent video games go, I find most of them to be in this uncanny valley. Why is it that Soldier of Fortune 2 has better dismemberment than games that came out over 20 years later despite all teh advancements in tech?
None, most likely. It would make them sell less.
From a personal perspective though, I want basically all violent games to be more violent. Dismemberment is weirdly uncommon. Gaping bulletwounds would be sweet. Stuff like that.
Is one of the reasons for lack of games with dismemberments have to do with the rating systems used throughout the world, especially those (rating systems used in the U.K. and Australia) that will refuse to classify games due to excessive violence?
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