Topic title says it all really, what features do you want for your next gen consoles? I wouldnt mind the ability to record gameplay sections that save directly onto your harddrive. So for exmaple, there might be a camera button on next gen controllers, you hold it untill it starts recording (tap for a snapshot) and press it again when you want it to stop. A universal system, sort of like Achievements on live.
Now onto my real issue. I actually very suprised console sheep haven't fully realised. Many are so quick to scream the death of PC gaming but just dont understand whats happening underneath their noses. What your seeing every single gen is a slow transformation of consoles turning into PCs. Last gen marked (or towards the end of last gen) the end of consoles and what we have at the moment is pseudo-PC gaming. 5th gen to 6th gen added online and harddrives. 6th - now added patches, DLC, varied multimedia functions, installing and alot more.
So whats really happening is gamers are being turned into PC gamers. The irony being PC gaming actually growing instead of dying. You may be thinking right now "bu bu but il still be on mySony machine!, how is it PC gaming?" Thats wrong. PC gaming, is not the platform, its really the combining of all the things i listed before (+ alot more). I mean, its the main reason why we distinctively seperate it from console gaming.
To sum this up console gaming will soon merge into PC gaming.
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