2014 may have been slightly shitty until now, but from this point on, it looks like it's all uphill from here as far the libraries for each of these systems is concerned.
So- here's my question. All current systems: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, PC. What's your most excited game on each? Any game qualifies so long as it was actually officially announced.
I'll start us out:
WII U: The Legend of Zelda
3DS: Pokemon OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire
PS Vita: Persona 4: Dancing All Night (bite me)
PC: Civilization: Beyond Earth
PS4: Persona 5 (also currently my most anticipated game period)
Xbox One: Halo: The Master Chief Collection (is this cheating? I don't care if it's cheating)
Okay, so how about you all? What game are you looking forward to the most across all of these systems?
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