Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (for me)
I really enjoyed the first RSV. Despite all of its glitches and very-needed patches which never came, I stuck with it until COD4 came out. When I heard RSV2 came out, I trusted that Ubisoft would have learned from their mistakes and polished the game up a little.
What I found was one of the crappiest games I ever played, which could have been great. The only thing graphically that improved was the textures, everything else looked like PS2. It was called "Vegas" yet most of the gameplay took place in random warehouses and oil refinery settings which felt so out of place and boring...That goes for the multiplayer maps too.
I was extremely disappointed in the half-assed story they came up with too. It was basically like "oh, well we need to make some more money, so lets come up with a sequel that wraps up the first game. Ok, let's make this random character that we never heard of come in and help us solve everything. Good. Next, lets make the story almost 100% irrelevant from the first game. Good. Finally, let's call it vegas, but only have one good casino map and the rest take place in parking lots and factories. Perfect, we've done it again guys!"
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