Mega Man X - The intro stage is pretty fucking rad.
Deus Ex - As cloud said, there is something incredibly genius about it. Most people on their first try will think Liberty Island is kind of meh as a level, until they get to the end of the level and realize "oh shit, I could have done all these other things" it puts a spot light on the virtues of Deus Ex's level design versus those of other games. Something that Human Revolution's intro level doesn't come close to capturing.
Doom 1 and 2 - Short, sweet, simple, right into the game. The way it should be.
Super Mario Bros. - Really any mario bros game would do, but that music has more or less become iconic for a reason, and I can play that level any day of the week and still find it fun.
Bayonetta and Devil May Cry 3 - That's how you start an action video game.
Resident Evil 4 - If the opening is from that initial dude to the first big throw down in the village before Leon says bingo, it's tightly paced, it teaches you all the principles of the overall gameplay experience, it's satysfing as **** to play, and one might actually argue that throw down in that village, where a few decisions in the level design can change the entire fight is the best combat sequence in the game, in a game that has a lot of excellent ones, yeah it's pretty fucking impressive.
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