LBP is the One game that Really shows off SOMETHING DIFFERENT that we did not have last gen but other than that not much!!! I am not talking graphics
1. New game mechanic... LBP is one example and maybe the only one unless I missed something
2. NEW AI so you do not know if it's a nub or not great player or computer
3. Physics... not the same MY tank is stuck on this bush crap.... more like this tree is in the way: I can chop it down, set it on fire and burn it down, or climb Any tree here!! O look a bush, I can crawl under it, ... I can dig a hole in the dirt and make a trap.... look its snowing... Hey its not pilling up??? WTH?? I want to be barried in snow have wind effict my movements ... PHYSICS!!!
4. multi path games... I have an effect on the changes in-game.. Not the same linear game line do a, b,c to the end of the game. I want do a, if do B then something changes in the game. the outcome is not the same. Choices in doing something that changes what happens next.
(sp need to edit but no time)
What games are different in playing than last gen and How is it different???
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