Quite a few for me.
Soul Calibur V. It lacked content and new characters were less interesting than the old ones, but the gameplay was faster and really fun.
Twisted Metal 4 and 2012. 4 was a big step up from 3. While it doesn't have the personality that 2 does, it is the most polished of the PS1 games. As for 2012, I hate the story and that they got rid of most of the characters, but gameplay is the best in the series.
Zelda: Skyward Sword. Most of the usual things people complain anout don't bother me. I liked the controls, and didn't mind revisiting locations. My only real issue with SS is it felt too much like OoT. Still a great game though.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Bogged down a bit by AAA design conventions, but no other series does 1st person parkor this well.
1080 Avalanche. Faster, more varied, and better than the original. Avalanche levels are still an impressive sight to behold, half expect my Gamecube to burst into flames rendering all that. Unfortunately, it came out the same year as SSX3, so it didn't stand a chance.
Motorstorm: Apocalypse. It's not as good as Pacific Rift, but it's so much more ambitious and over the top that I can forgive a few shortcomings.
Mortal Kombat: Deception - Apocalypse. A bit clunky compared to the new ones, but still fun and waaay better than the original trilogy. Plus actually 3D, I don't know what people have against side-stepping.
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