The easiest one that comes to mind by for is Final Fantasy. In my opinion everything after X (X2 I suppose) was utter trash. Why in the hell would I want to play a game where everyone in the party fights automatically?
People talk about SONY games being interactive movies, but a lot of RPG's in this newer era of RPG's have the ability to be completely non played... like just switch to a character right after they attack (in games where you actually CAN switch characters.. but don't even get me started on the ones you can't). Another great game was Ni No Kuni... 2 was trash for the same reason. How about my favorite RPG franchise of all time Breath of Fire the first 3 were phenomenal and after that... why.. just why?
I get people don't want to think or try sometimes but this crap is just lazy. I DO however love the fact that games like Divinity (among others) have became more popular and are bringing a more hardcore approach to an oldschool style of gameplay, but I want to see more love for the RPG genre as a whole.
I would be MUCH more interested in the FFVII reboot if they have/add/already do have the option to turn it completely turn based like the original. I know there are smaller indie traditional RPG's out there and I know Dragon Quest has tried to stay traditional while also trying to push the bar a bit, but why not just make it standard turn based, active time, and full control (one character control crap)? Well, I actually know the answer to that, and that is that it costs a LOT more money.
Dragon Age did a good job with melding the two in a fresh way that actually felt well, but they have strayed from the formula a bit. I still enjoy the franchise, but it is definitely an exception and not the rule.
I just don't understand why ANYONE would prefer not actually controlling most of the action over controlling every facet. Sure, I know that some want a happy medium, but I think in those cases there should be an assisted play mode and a full turn based mode (that not many games take advantage of) I think making brutal difficulty full turn based RPG's would do VERY WELL at a AA or AAA level. I know there are a couple out there that have tried (or came close with hybrids), but they (for me) mostly miss the mark and production values just aren't there.
I'm hoping to see more of these type of games next gen, and since they are picking up steam again along with one life third person games... well, next gen could be great for me. Just add in some great platformers, a lot of quality AA games, bring back college sports, better and more MMO's, and better/more expansive survival online games and it will be awesome. In all actuality I expect most of the things I want to see for the first time in 3 gens. I guess time will tell.
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