Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (At 15%)
The Witcher 3 + DLC (At 15%)
Fallout 4 (At 10%)
Persona 3:FES (At 10%)
Again replaying Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition, so above games will've to wait.
Well? :)
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I played some of GTA V and then kinda stopped at a quarter of the way through so I might play that.
Oh and I haven't yet played Dreamfall Chapters and I heard it's real funny and good.
Double oh I have yet to play my Blood Borne copy because I got stuck on character creation XD
Most of my library consists of GWG games, eh, likely have about 50 games in total and finished about 5-7 of them is all... damn it. :P
Too many to list, PS+ games included. But major games.
Shadow of Mordor
Dying Light
still gotta finish Fallout 4.
All the Halo games.
Too many. Doesn't help that I keep buying shit.
Haha, same. I bought Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth for full price and I've barely played it.
Too many. Doesn't help that I keep buying shit.
Same. Oh so bad. That goes for my DVD, books and comics/manga collection too.
Too many! Let's see what I can list while not at home.
- Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
- Pokemon: OmegaRuby
- Persona 3 Portable
- Fallout 4
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
- Hyrule Warriors (finished story, working on Adventure mode)
- Paper Mario
- Paper Mario & the Thousand-Year Door
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Rare Replay
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Okami HD
- Bloodborne
- Star Wars: Battlefront
- Pikmin (1, 2, & 3)
- Splatoon
Fallout 4: Haven't started.
ARC Survival: Played about three hours, then got heavy in Divinity Origins of Sin, and got into the Gigantic beta. So those are taking up my time.
I wont buy a new game until I beat Fallout 4. Plus I still plan to 100% Metal Gear Solid V (currently at 85%).
A bunch from GWG, but I've finished the ones I really wanted to play like Massive Chalice, and Child of Light.
I decided to be honest with myself and remove some games from my backlog. I don't have to play or finish everything even though I do try to finish every game I start.
Recently finished alien isolation. An exquisite horror survival game with a devilish difficulty level and A.I. so smart I think creative assembly may have accidently created skynet. The pacing is perfect for playing a few hours a week. This is not a game you marathon or rush through. Does it outstay it's welcome? I guess that depends on how much you love the world of Alien. I didn't enjoy the constant fake out endings BUT the atmosphere and world were always a joy to be in (if you find joy in being scared out of your pants.) I give it a 7.5 out of 10.
Ignore IGN, play it on hard.
I want the next game I play to be relaxing and peaceful. Alien Isolation was tense and stressful. Not a FUN game per say but one perfect for those seeking a challenge and a true alien game experience.
Erm... Oh God...
These are in no particular order, but it's getting tough :S
I'm finally getting around to playing Spec Ops the Line. And still on my backlog;
Alien Isolation
Sniper Elite III
Bioshock Infinite
Crysis 3
Metro 2033 & LL Redux
Need For Speed (2012)
Fallout 4
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Witcher 3
Divinity Original Sin
Cities Skylines
Alan Wake
Portal 2
Pillars of Eternity
Ni No Kuni
Starcraft II: LOTV
Tales of Zestiria
Just Cause 2
Batman Arkham Knight
Deus Ex Human Revolution
My backlog is too shameful. Naming them brings great dishonor to my family clan...
But im making good progress in This War of Mine, Sniper Elite 2 and Life is Strange.
Full backlog is too much to list.
Right now I'm juggling Just Cause 3, Dying Light: The Following, Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, Gears of War Judgement, and Doom II co-op. Been thinking about making a return to Destiny, just hesitant on account of how addictive it can be. I've been meaning to play more Battlefield 4 and Hardline and diving deeper into the MP.
I've been thinking of firing up Dark Souls II: Scholar's of First Sin or Elite Dangerous as part of my library I haven't even fired up yet, or Telltale Game of Thrones. Need to finish a few games on my current juggling list.
I also need to play catch up with my PS4, so far I've had it two months and only played through Soma. I've still got Bloodborne, Uncharted Collection, Until Dawn, Last of Us, Infamous Second Son, and Killzone Shadow Fall to play through. And, all I want to play right now is Gravity Rush Remastered and I can't find a copy anywhere, hell stores like Best Buy and GameStop don't even list it on their websites except selling digital download codes. Target doesn't have it. Walmart or Toys R Us don't carry it. Guess I'll have to mail in through Amazon.
Pillars of Eternity (and both DLC'S)
Divinity Original Sin (was very close to the end, but restarted cause I'm an idiot)
Final Fantasy series (I got a long way I know)
SMT/Persona Series
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and 4
Valkyria Chronicles
And a lot more, but these are my main concerns.
-Batman Arkham Origins
- Batman Arkham Knight
-Brothers in arms: Hells Highway
- Brütal Legend
- Deadly Premonition
- Mad Max
- Murdered: Soul Suspect
-Tomb Raider & Tomb Raider
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Double Dragon Trilogy
- LEGO Jurassic World
- Sword Coast Legend
- Victor Vran
- Blood 2: The CHosen
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
- Elite Dangerous
- Lichdom: Battlemage
- DreadOut
- Brothers - A tale of two sons
- The book of unwritten tales 1&2
- Edna & harvey: The Breakout + Harverys New eyes
- Life is Strange
- Grandia 2
- Hyper Dimention Neptunia: Re;birth2
- Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen
- Grey Goo
- Total War: ROME 2
Uncharted 3
Mortal Kombat X
pretty much every single PS+ game so far.
Deception 4
Wii U:
Captain toad: treasure tracker.
Bayonetta 2
Fatal Frame 5
Super Mario 3D World
LoZ Wind Waker
I like to buy old games for system just to have, I don't know if I'll ever play them so I'll just list current gen games
Probably 100+ games.
Same here, too many to list, It might even be 200 at this point.
Realistically, my backlog is this ever evolving thing that I'll mostly never play. It's mostly PS3 (retail/indie) and Steam (mostly indie games, with some retail), but also lots of unopened Wii and PS2 games in there as well - and also a handful of Vita and 3DS games.
I've decided to try and not buy much this gen, but despite more "discipline" about only buying things I'll play, I'm already up into double digits on PS4.
Fun fact: I've created a "zelda retirement plan." Where I spend my autumn years playing every zelda game I missed out on through the years.
You know what's also funny about this back log problem? Gamers then complain when games are too short. Seems like maybe we wouldn't have backlogs if games weren't so damn long.
Kanye West is making a video game about his mother flying through Heaven. So that's on top of my list now.
Too many. Doesn't help that I keep buying shit.
Every time I feel the need to buy a new game I should just look at my backlog... the want for a new game will vanish.
But the peer pressure. It sucks that when your friends are all blabbering about the new games and you've nothing to say or can't join in coz you've no idea wtf they are talking about.
And when you finally get to that (if at all lol), they all moved on long ago.
Happens to me alot. shit is, some of the backlog games I bought are just so I can say I played that game too. Stupid i know...but its only for 6.99...including dlcs...
Metro 2033, Last light
Alien: Isolation
The Witcher 3
Rise of The Tomb Raider
Just Cause 3
Bravely Default
Dirt Rally
The Talos Principle
The Witness
@dantesergei: @Maddie_Larkin: @lamprey263: @Zassimick:
I want some people to play through Bloodborne again with and the Old Hunter dlc before DS3 comes out my psn is raschel2010 pm me if interested no reason to derail the thread.
My backlog that i plan on playing is
Currently Playing
Want to Replay
@locus-solus: sorry, I don't have PSN, and I'm getting DS3 on Xbox One
anyhow, my post made me fire up my PS4 today for the first time in weeks, loaded up Until Dawn, liking it so far, hopefully there's a good degree of play value
after moving to uni...I left my consoles at home...brought my gaming laptop with...
But my backlog is already getting crowded...
Xcom: Enemy Unknown ( with DLC)
Path of Exile
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragon Age II
Just got that SEGA deal off Steam. So that's like 3 more games.
The Banner Saga.
The Witness
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
I only include things on the backlog I actually want to play, otherwise it gets tossed in my 'finished' pile. God knows I have enough bundle fodder in there before I stopped buying them. Anyways here is mine:
Crimson Shroud
Visual Novel:
Kara No Shojou
Spectacle Fighter:
Bayonetta 2
Metroid Prime 2/3
Super Metroid
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Fire Emblem 14: Conquest, Birthright, Revelation
Rune Factory 4
New Mario Bros U
Tropical Freeze
On Hold:
Grim Dawn (content complete)
Twilight Princess HD
I really should take off Rune Factory 4 since you can't 'finish' that one, but I do want to see the end of the third arc eventually.
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