I'm playing La Noire and Dirt 3
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Got an external hard drive so I can finally install all my Steam games at the same time, so bits and bobs of a ton of different stuff. Just finished some more of Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, so good.bobbetybob
that reminds me,I have to finish that game
Bad Company 2 (always playing this until BF3 comes out :P)
Nier (a few hours in)
Next up:
The Witcher?
Batman: AA?
Twilight Princess (second time since I beat it at launch)?
Assassins Creed 2?
LoZ: Spirit Tracks?
and more lol. Help me pick! :P
akai katana shin (360) - just released a few days ago trying to beat my current 1 credit best of around 30,000,000 on Stage 4 Boss.
the legend of zelda: twilight princess (GC) - Finished the forest temple, cleared the next town and been enjoying it so far. been putting a little time into it every day.
The Witcher 2 - Absolutely brilliant. Would've started weeks ago but I wanted to play LA Noire first.
Rainbow Six Vegas 1, Vegas 2, and soon RS. Co-op FTW!
SOCOM 4 (Move), Motorstorm Apocalypse, and waiting for inFamous 2. I'm going to start playing Brink again once I get my new desk put together and get my triple monitor setup working.lowe0
triple monitor setup to play Brink..LOL
I'm finishing up my umpteenth playthrough of the original No More Heroes, and I just started up Metal Gear Solid 3 again, with a No-Alerts run.
[QUOTE="lowe0"]SOCOM 4 (Move), Motorstorm Apocalypse, and waiting for inFamous 2. I'm going to start playing Brink again once I get my new desk put together and get my triple monitor setup working.butisitbluray
triple monitor setup to play Brink..LOL
Because... ?KoF XI, GGXXAC+, Arcana Heart 3, King's Field 4, Ninja Gaiden, Soon to be playing Pokemon White, Pokemon Emerald, Crimson Clover, Ken's Rage.
Some more tha others. Some more than I should be. :(
I feel like I should own this game as it is a blizzard title lol, but I only play Diablo from them. I dont typically like RTS games, but the C&C and RA series was pretty fun (not 4 lol)
3D Dot Game Heroes
How is it? I was going to buy it at launch as I needed my Zelda fix lol, but I never got around to it.
3D Dot Game Heroes
How is it? I was going to buy it at launch as I needed my Zelda fix lol, but I never got around to it.
It's good I'm currently in the Aqua Temple which is the fourth Temple out of seven. I would be playing it now but I logged off of PSN earlier and I can't log into it right now because it is down for maintenance.[QUOTE="NaveedLife"]
3D Dot Game Heroes
How is it? I was going to buy it at launch as I needed my Zelda fix lol, but I never got around to it.
It's good I'm currently in the Aqua Temple which is the fourth Temple out of seven. I would be playing it now but I logged off of PSN earlier and I can't log into it right now because it is down for maintenance.good, Zelda good? Good, darksiders good? Or good...not too bad I guess good? ;)
It's good I'm currently in the Aqua Temple which is the fourth Temple out of seven. I would be playing it now but I logged off of PSN earlier and I can't log into it right now because it is down for maintenance.[QUOTE="Nintendo_Ownes7"]
How is it? I was going to buy it at launch as I needed my Zelda fix lol, but I never got around to it.
good, Zelda good? Good, darksiders good? Or good...not too bad I guess good? ;)
It's not Zelda good but it is still a good game I never played Darksiders so I have no idea how it compares.It is sort've like the 2D Zelda's but in 3D.
MVC3 and my weekly game of Civilization Revolution. Really just putzing around until Arkham City and Skyrim come out.
Just Blops. I always seem to come back to it. Its like the mortar that keeps my hands on the controller in between those single-player bricks. Completed L.A. Noire not too long ago. Fun experience, though I'm eager to see how much, or rather how little things change in my 2nd playthrough.
Ys Seven: Combat is just a simple hack n' slash, but it's pretty fun, surprisingly, and fast-paced. The boss battles are amazing and intense, and the sountrack is very good.
L.A. Noire: I finished it last week, and I'm trying to get the platinum. Despite some flaws, I liked the game - great presentation and good story.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together: One of my favorite games of all time. Superb story with branching paths, interesting characters and deep gameplay.
Yakuza 4: Almost done with it. I got sidetracked with others games and with Yakuza 4's optional stuff. There's so many things to do here, and I like that most of the side-quests aren't lame fetch quests. They have an interesting story, develop the characters even more and provide a couple of laughs. The story is pretty awesome - my second favorite in the series so far.
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