Max Payne 3
Mass Effect 3
The Witcher 2
Trials Evolution
All on 360:cool:
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Way to many. Just this week I got Jak And Daxter Collection, Dead Island GTTY Edition, Dead Space 2, and paid off NCAA Football 2013. Now I am downloading the free PS + games.
Last week I got Spec Ops The Line
I've bought... don't remember.
But since we're asking stuff, I have a q:
Between inFamous 2, Batman AC, Team Ico Collection, and Saint Seiya, which game should I start with?? Help!!! :cry:
Crysis Warhead
Mafia II
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
Assasin's Creed 2
Mass Effect 3
Killzone 3
Sonic Generations
Alan Wake
Crysis 2
Devil May Cry Collection
Metro 2033
Serious Sam 3
Tekken 6
Heavenly Sword
No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise
Sonic 4 Episode 1
Sonic 4 Episode 2
Max Payne 3
Killzone 3 multiplayer - generic, boring
KoA: Reckoning - crap
Batman AC - one of the best games ever made
Diablo 3 - needs some polishing but is destined for greatness
Cryostasis - some of the finest storytelling in gaming, amazing atmosphere, poorly optimized and runs like sh*t
Mass Effect 3, Silent Hill HD collection, The Witcher 2, Trials Evolution, and The Walking Dead Ep 1, need the 2nd one now.
Killzone 3 multiplayer - generic, boring
KoA: Reckoning - crap
Batman AC - one of the best games ever made
Diablo 3 - needs some polishing but is destined for greatness
Cryostasis - some of the finest storytelling in gaming, amazing atmosphere, poorly optimized and runs like sh*t
What did you find bad about it? I thought it looked pretty interesting and was thinking of picking it up, but I waffle over it :P
Skyrim. Which I am currently burnt out on. I've put in 100 hours though so I should probably just finish it.
Same here. I still haven't got the DLC yet cause I got tired of it after awhile.Skyrim. Which I am currently burnt out on. I've put in 100 hours though so I should probably just finish it.
Mount & Blade Napoleonic Wars(ok its a mod but still)
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Diablo 3
Can't think of any others really :P
Killzone 3 multiplayer - generic, boring
KoA: Reckoning - crap
Batman AC - one of the best games ever made
Diablo 3 - needs some polishing but is destined for greatness
Cryostasis - some of the finest storytelling in gaming, amazing atmosphere, poorly optimized and runs like sh*t
What did you find bad about it? I thought it looked pretty interesting and was thinking of picking it up, but I waffle over it :P
It's just incredibly bland. It has no identity of it's own and everything about it is super generic and repetitious. The world is big but it feels empty and souless. It doesn't have that "living" feeling like Dark Souls and Skyrim had. The combat and character progression are the only truly memorable things about it,m and even those are ruined by how retardedly easy the difficulty is. You could probably win most fights with your eyes closed.
I dont mind generic, but empty boring world is bleh, thanks for the input! May pick it up when its cheaper, surprised its still 60 bucks
Diablo 3,Legend of Grimrock,Dear Esther,Evochron Mercenary,X3 Albion prelude,all the X-Com games,Sonic CD,the Blackwell series bundle,Nexuiz,Just Cause 2,Runespell Overture,Mount & Blade Complete,Broken Sword Trilogy pack,Bastion,Sega Mega Drive collection pack 5,Sniper Elite and Wolfenstein,maybe a few others but those are the ones I can think of now.
What did you find bad about it? I thought it looked pretty interesting and was thinking of picking it up, but I waffle over it :P
It's just incredibly bland. It has no identity of it's own and everything about it is super generic and repetitious. The world is big but it feels empty and souless. It doesn't have that "living" feeling like Dark Souls and Skyrim had. The combat and character progression are the only truly memorable things about it,m and even those are ruined by how retardedly easy the difficulty is. You could probably win most fights with your eyes closed.
I dont mind generic, but empty boring world is bleh, thanks for the input! May pick it up when its cheaper, surprised its still 60 bucks
You might like it. I thought it was great at first, but around the 20 hour mark I got tired of it, and that's pretty bad considering it's nearly 100 hours long (including sidequests). I think playing Skyrim first was what ruined it for me.
It's just incredibly bland. It has no identity of it's own and everything about it is super generic and repetitious. The world is big but it feels empty and souless. It doesn't have that "living" feeling like Dark Souls and Skyrim had. The combat and character progression are the only truly memorable things about it,m and even those are ruined by how retardedly easy the difficulty is. You could probably win most fights with your eyes closed.
I dont mind generic, but empty boring world is bleh, thanks for the input! May pick it up when its cheaper, surprised its still 60 bucks
You might like it. I thought it was great at first, but around the 20 hour mark I got tired of it, and that's pretty bad considering it's nearly 100 hours long (including sidequests). I think playing Skyrim first was what ruined it for me.
Eh, I doubt I would then, I've been playing skyrim, new vegas, witcher 2, and dark souls lately, so it would probably be a huge let down :P
Might and magic V (bargain bin)
Memories off (visual novel, bargain bin)
Fall of samurai
The fall: last day of gaia (bargain bin)
Atelier Meruru, Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Dogma, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk.2, Jak Collection, Max Payne 3, Record of Agarest War 2, Silent Hill Downpour, Tales of Graces f, Starhawk, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Yakuza Dead Souls, Akai Katana, Xenoblade, Kid Icarus Uprising, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, Disgaea 3 Vita, Gravity Rush, MGS HD Vita, Rayman Origins, Resistance Burning Skies, Shinobido 2, Tales of Innocence R, Touch My Katamari, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Mass Effect 3, Ys Origins, Professor Layton 1-4, Ghost Trick, Dragon Quest VI, School Days HQ, and a bunch of older PS2 games as well as downloadable games via PSN and Steam.
had a Wii n bought like 7 games including Xenblade but i not counting stuff i don't have so ....
the Wii story: i swagged n bought a Wii n games thinking i could bundle it n sell it on craigslist n i did for $100 (didn't pay any outta pocket money for Wii system or games so even at $10 sold it would be a profit)
sunk that into amazon ... swagged some more got a PS3 120 GB (free again $160)
went through a process of getting my old PS3 name back as its a pretty epic name
so anyway ...
PS3 games owned
Time Shift ( cheap game on amazon seen youtube videos reminded me of Fear 1 with the time stop thing only better graphics)
God of War 3 (at the end of game got pandora at the part where i gotta drop down the chain n dude is died hanging on the chains icarus's father ... next time i play i'll beat it ... not sure if i will play a second time through but I know i'll play a bit to see what all the God pieces are about)
Best Spartan on a game console(41% on trophies for God of War 3)
Red Fraction Armageddon (played the demo of it off onlive on my netbook ... good fun game will really get into it when i beat God of War 3
next game: i don't know i got $13 coming in the amazon account on like the 11th of this month so will see whats on amazon
-Street Fighter X Tekken
-Red Dead Redemption
-Kid Icarus: Uprising
-Professor Layton and the unwound Future
It's been a really slow year so far
Slow year so far, most of my purchases has been old games.
I think that's about it, i will probably get Star Fox 3D later on, and Last Story and DOA5 are day 1 for me, other than that, i don't see too many games for the rest of the year.
[QUOTE="Sserv"]LOL. 90% of them are JRPG 11 out of 35+ is 90%? Explain what kind of math you used to come to that statistic.Atelier Meruru, Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Dogma, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk.2, Jak Collection, Max Payne 3, Record of Agarest War 2, Silent Hill Downpour, Tales of Graces f, Starhawk, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Yakuza Dead Souls, Akai Katana, Xenoblade, Kid Icarus Uprising, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, Disgaea 3 Vita, Gravity Rush, MGS HD Vita, Rayman Origins, Resistance Burning Skies, Shinobido 2, Tales of Innocence R, Touch My Katamari, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Mass Effect 3, Ys Origins, Professor Layton 1-4, Ghost Trick, Dragon Quest VI, School Days HQ, and a bunch of older PS2 games as well as downloadable games via PSN and Steam.
Killing Floor $3
Penumbra Collection (3 games) $5
Midnight Club II (free promo)
King's Bounty Platinum Edition (2 games free with Penumbra)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution $10
Humble Indie Bundle Android + V & Indie Gala V $11
-Psychonauts, Braid, Lone Survivor, Sword and Sworcery EP, LIMBO, EDGE, Osmos, Toki Tori, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Beat Hazard, Razor 2 Hidden Skies, Ironclads Collection (5 games), Making History: The Calm & The Storm.
$29 for 25 new games. Already owned Amnesia and SMB I know I'm cheap I only spend $5 on Humble Bundles, sue me I'm 17.
everything else
Will be a lot more hopefully after the Steam Summer Sale finally begins!
[QUOTE="Sserv"]LOL. 90% of them are JRPGAtelier Meruru, Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Dogma, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk.2, Jak Collection, Max Payne 3, Record of Agarest War 2, Silent Hill Downpour, Tales of Graces f, Starhawk, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Yakuza Dead Souls, Akai Katana, Xenoblade, Kid Icarus Uprising, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, Disgaea 3 Vita, Gravity Rush, MGS HD Vita, Rayman Origins, Resistance Burning Skies, Shinobido 2, Tales of Innocence R, Touch My Katamari, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Mass Effect 3, Ys Origins, Professor Layton 1-4, Ghost Trick, Dragon Quest VI, School Days HQ, and a bunch of older PS2 games as well as downloadable games via PSN and Steam.
This is coming from the guy who only plays FPS.
Dead Island (PS3): Disappointment
Banjo Nuts and Bolts (360): Not as bad as everyone is saying, but still kind of disappointing.
Tales of Graces f (PS3): So far, IT'S THE BEST GAME THIS GEN! There's so much to do in this game, and it's got such a fun battle system. I love this revamped battle system.
Devil May Cry (PS2): Doesn't disappoint
Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tournament (PS2): Also doesn't disappoint
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PS2): Not nearly as good as Persona, but still pretty damn good.
Grandia 2 (PS2): Now THIS, is the proper way to do a turn based battle system.
Ape Escape 2 (PS2): Classic
Soul Calibur 5 (PS3): Doesn't disappoint
Shenmue (Dreamcast): Classic
Metal Gear Solid 1 (PS1): Another classic
Dragonaball Raging Blast (360): Doesn't disappoint
Mirror's Edge
Valkryia Chronicles
Street Fighter X Tekken
Demon's Souls
3D Dot Game Heroes
Blazblue Continuum Shift: Extend
Humble Bundle 6
Deus Ex
Waiting for Steam Sales.
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