The worst conference ever , few game announcements , nothing exciting ,Brawl and Galaxy pushed till December and November respectively , just horrible.
I didn't have a problem with Nintendo's conference other than the constant "expanding teh market, teh sales!!!! teh statistics!!!" crap. I mean, everybody knows, nobody cares.
But the announcements they did make were really good announcements, it's just that a lot of them were announced to the wrong crowd.
NIntendo has certainly found themselves a nice niche, too bad it's among senior citizens andsoccer moms.. I was hoping for something more of a throw back to their golden age of famicon (nes) and super famicon (snes).. and more Mii channels.. They didn't even anounce their network other than aimee hinting at sometype of blog service at the end of his conference but, that was it.. I'm not interested in Wii fit... howabout a Mii network??
I really enjoyed Nintendo E3 conference, i wasn't expecting a lot of news because of the whole E3 becoming E3 Media & Business Summit thing. Its because of the new e3 that nintendo didn't maked a spectacle of their press conference like last year. Anyways I can't understand why there's so much hate towards Wii Fit it looks awesome imo.
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