Your post is extremely intellectually dishonest to the point of being blatant misinformation. Here's why:
I seem to recall not more then 6 months ago Cows were going balistic about how much more powerful the PS3 was then the 360. Back then everyone seemed to belive that the PS3 could produce WAY better graphics then the 360. Now it seems that developers seem to be coming out of the woodwork explaining how much easier it is to program for the 360.Firelore29
First of all, what does one thing have to do with the other. It's like saying because somebody is uncomfortable driving at 200 miles an hour, a NASCAR car can't really go faster than a normal car. That is intellectually dishonest and complete misinformation. The two have nothing to do with each other. Every developer has either hinted or stated flat out that the PS3 is noticeably more powerful than the 360. The catch is that, right now, developers are either hampered by the difficulty of the newly designed hardware (which they are unfamiliar with) or they just don't have the budgets right now to spend on pushing the PS3.
I will also direct you to a post just yesterday from a Developer saying the PS3's power is basically "locked away" since developers don't yet know how to use the 7 SPUs to their full, efficient potential.
Finally, just because the PS3 hasn't killed the 360 in graphics righ at launch, it doesn't mean the graphics are poor. And Cows SHOULD know by now that every PS console has shown consistent improvements over their lifetime. IN comparison, I would personally argue that the Xbox and 360 both improve only slightly over their lifetime as developers are more able to use that power from day one.
Several developers have come out saying that the PS3 has bottlenecks in it's processing power which makes it very difficult to develop anything for. In addition there have been a bunch of games which have been much better for the 360 then the PS3.
Again you falsely act as if the two things are related when they are not. Games right now are mostly being developer with the 360 in mind as the "main" console and then ported to the PS3. So of course this will not only make the PS3 version harder to make, but it will not turn out as good as if it was made from the ground up on the PS3. It's no different than when devs were making games for the PS2 and porting them to the Xbox. They were able to make minor improvements but not one of them was anything close to the games made from the ground up on the XBox. There was a real, noticeable difference.
As mentioned already, the "bottlenecks" are not due to inferior hardware, but completely new hardware that developers are unfamiliar with. ALso, they are not willing to learn how to use it least not all at once, right away, since they have budgets and deadlines to meet as their first priority. But like with all PS consoles, they will learn over time and we will see huge improvements as time progresses.
There will be several cows who are going to come in here and blame lazy developers. The simple fact is that if it takes a small army of developers a long time to simply port a game properly then the system is lacking in the hardware arena. If it takes that much time and effort to port games then developers are simply not going to do it.
You are probably right. But don't act as if developers not being able to push the PS3 to it's full potential is the same thing as the PS3 being inferior. You are trying to make both cases as if they are one and the same and they are not. The PS3 is a superior console but as a result it is hurt by it's own innovation for the exact reason you give. You can't have it both ways and say, well the PS3 is inferior and weak...but it's so powerful that devs can't afford to use it properly.
Games like Oblivion prove that the PS3 can produce execlent graphics but it took forever to get together and Bethesda publically complained about the difficulty numerious times.
Boo hoo. They complained because they wanted a quick and easy port from the PC/360 to the PS3 and couldn't do it ebcause the PS3 is totally different. Yet you bashed the "lazy developer" excuse. Maybe if they took the time to learn the hardware, instead of doing what PC devs have done for years now (comlpain that consoles aren't like PCs) they would have had a much easier time.
Anyways we seem to have gone from "Behold the power of the cell" to "The PS3 could have produced 60 fps like the 360 version if the developer would have worked at it".
So? What's your point? Both are totally valid and to assume otherwise is irrational and dishonest.
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