I think that if they do, we will see a console go away. Considering who is really the lacking in the console wars, i think the xbox will go away. They dont many exclusives, most of the devs they had have left or cut deals to make for other consoles. Nintendo has too many of their own IP's. PS3 is would be my second guess, but i think with all the problems xbox's have, they would become dreamcast.
aside from that, i hope EA doesnt make one, they are one of the companies that are turning video games into bland pop culture. And before anyone says anything, Nintendo is not doing this with the Wii. Aside from letting all the 3rd party shovelware be on thier console. But Nintendo's 1st party IP's are great, and over the next 2-3 years, we will see more of the games we want, Zelda, Mario, Metriod, Starfox, DK, etc... Alteaset they dont make a new game every year(guitar hero, COD, etc...)
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