quick disclaimer:
im not dissing on FFXIII on any level, more like asking "why"
Has anyone seen the videos posted on gametrailers.com over FFXIII's gameplay?
well, as a fan of the franchise for a decade now i'm utterly BAFFLED by the lack of any fan service given to old veterans.
point in case;
the LACK of the Victory Fanfare at the end of battles.
it was such a huge disappointment when all i heard was a mellow melody playing after each battle.
another point in case;
is it me, or has the inventory for the characters have been DOWNSIZED TREMENDOUSLY?
watching one of the videos, it seemed to me each character has only two slots for equipment (though i could be wrong)
but if it is the case, im again disappointed.
another case in point;
whats with the awkward weapons?
boomerangs? :|
some kind of slingshot whip? :|
what? :?
its fine to try and create different weapons, but the weapons HOPE and VANILLE use is utterly ridiculous.
i'll take Wakka's blitzball anyday.
one last point;
WHY is there a quick menu after each battle where stars are given and points and what not?
i think it seems useless.
the whole use of Stars to judge a player in terms of how well he/she plays each battle is ridiculous.
yes, i remember SE saying that they wanted a more fast paced oriented gameplay this time around that stuck to turn based a little bit.
but why the stars?
now i wont say -
its going to be a bad game,
probably a great game as a matter of in fact.
but square Enix has gone way into re-inventing the franchise that they lost the old feeling of the franchise.
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