As we inch closer and closer to E3 and the extreme likelihood that Nintendo will unveil WiiU officially with actual games, price point and release date, I keep hearing all of the XBOX and PS fanboys ripping Nintendo saying that once again they have made a console that is not a technological juggernaught. Let me ask you this though. If the WiiU is indeed 2-3 times more powerful than either the 360 or PS3 and those consoles even today as outdated as they are from a technical standpoint can still pump out amazing looking games like Skyrim, UC3, Forza 4, Batman AC and others, how can't the WiiU excite you guys? I mean seriously, what are you guys wanting visually from your games that you aren't getting right now? If you all think that the next XBOX and PS are going to match current gaming rigs for performance and still be priced under $400 which in my opinion is the sweet spot, you are going to be sorely, sorely disappointed!! Nintendo is making a gaming console...PERIOD and I have no doubts that they will keep the price of the WiiU in a place where they will sell them rapidly!!! MS and Sony on the other are far too busy trying to make an "everything box" again and in my opinion it will definitely blow up in their faces if they price their consoles based on the technology in them like Sony did with the PS3. We all know how that went!!!
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