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That's the point. You can't.How could one possibly comment on this type of topic without sounding bias?
I only own a 360, but come on man theirs all kind of posts like this. Get a 360 if you like hardcore games and an awesome online. Get a ps3 if your into blu-ray and powerful hardware that doesent fail. Im not a fanboy but I think I would enjoy the PS3 too. Juat my 360 more since I love playing online.
they are both equally fun, PS3 has ratchet and clank while 360 has nuts and bolts, PS3 has Killzone 2, while 360 has Gears 2. PS3 has resistance, and 360 has Halo 3, PS3 has Little Big Planet, 360 has Shadow Complex, pretty much every quality exclusive on PS3/360 the other has a game to counter that is equally as fun.
Oh, they're both fine systems. The 360 is a bit less reliable, and some say PSN is a lesser online service than XBL, but both are great systems altogether.
Hope that helps. ;)
I haven't played a PS3 yet but I'd imagine I'd have more fun with it than I did my 360 for that reason right there:
It won't break on me repeatedly and scratch 60 dollar games until they don't work anymore.
The new PS3 vibrating wand would like to have a word with you :P Basically, depends on if you like single player or multiplayer really. If you prefer MP, which ever system that your friends owns the most, get that. SP just go for whichever system that has more games that appeal to you and yourself only.The consoles aren't fun the play, the games are.
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