ill just do the current gens. im also talking specifically from a games standpoint.
PS3: the blu ray drive. its slow, its sloppy and its just not up to the job of meeting the demands of current gen games. it has plenty of storage (arguably its complete overkill) but when devs start needing to use installs and repeating data and dummy data just to keep loading times respectable then whats the point? it certainly hasnt justified the extra money it costs to have it. from a business perspective, its served its purpose very nicely. from a games perspective, its a disaster.
wii: no big storage as standard (and were still waiting on a fix. cmon ninty, its not rocket science). nintendo made 2 stupid mistakes. 1) they wasted money on a solid state memory solution. in terms of bang per buck, its useless. 2)they completly underestimated both the possibilities of loads of memory and the needs of their customers. 512MB was never going to be enough for 4-5 years of gaming. a cheap 20GB HDD would have been fine. it would make games run better through caching. it would allow the possibility of expanding games (new zelda dungeon packs every few week for example...sounds pretty good to me) and ppl could store a ton of data (well 20GB worth roughly). shigsy himself said that the first thing he would change on the wii is the storage.
360: same problem as wii, but to a lesser extent (they do have storage solutions). no HDD as standard. it was great in the xbox. why oh why did MS not have a HDD as standard in the 360? seriously i hope the person who made that decision got a serious frowning at. stupid move. its not like HDDs are expensive.
DS: lack of hardware accceleration. i know its a handheld and i know ninty werent going for horsepower...but the one thing that bother me about the handheld is the pixelation in its 3d games. they should have put in a bit of kit that smooths it all out. the N64 could do itand the DS is very similar in it wouldnt have cost a ton of money to add it.
PSP: lack of a second nub. basically its absence makes certain genres even sloppier than they are with 2 sticks. using the face buttons to target and shoulder buttons to turn a camera around (not in the same game of course) that really is poor. surely they could have squeezed one in?
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