I can tell you why Half-Life 1 is so highly reguarded, I can not tell you why Half-Life 2 ever was.
The first Halflife is pretty much THE game any modern FPS game with story elements are based on (although I would argue that one would have to accept Sin as another possible candidate). The way Halflife told the story was pretty groundbreaking, how the camera never leaves the eyes of Gordon was a first as far as I am aware, basicly you only knew what Freeman saw/heard, and you were not informed about any story except from that. Which made me have an ageless "Wtf" moment when the army I was making my way towards for my salvation became a thread perhaps bigger tehn the intruders.
The game is also the first as far as I know that had NPCs act and react in a fairly Deep way, and different factions fighting it you with or without you around.
The most important part of Half-Life is likely its nick name "The thinking mans shooter" It was not about running around and gunning Down everything in a mindless rage. You had to think, find ways to get through levels, which did not just mean find the colour coded keycard. Ammo were often limited, and the ai were likely amongst the best ever seen in an FPS game, and it still performs fairly well.
Basicly Half life made an illusion of a living World, told through the eyes of you, the player, no innformation, and only the story that you yourself could copple together.
Halflife 2? I know why people claim that it was so good, the NPCs were a step up, reacting often believable to some extent, and continuing the trend with telling the story only through what you as a player could whitness. It introduced physics based puzzles and aids in combat. Both of those has since also become corner stones in FPS games, although in both cases, they were simply an evolution of what was already happening throughout fps games, where HL1 had defined and rewritten the rules for FPS games (if you Count out Sin). But Halflife 2 was not the allround awesome package as HL1 was. The shooting in HL2 felt weightless, and empty. And while the level design Again was on the top of the heap, the enemy ei had taken a huge downgrade from HL1. I found HL2 simply good, nothing more.
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