For me, my XoX has been my most expensive console. Worth every penny though in my opinion. What about you, SW?
For me, my XoX has been my most expensive console. Worth every penny though in my opinion. What about you, SW?
RTX 2080. Talking strictly in terms of singular hardware, and not HT/TV. If I count my PC all together, it's probably around $3000CAD or so (paid prices as opposed to depreciated value.)
Edit: It seems people are going all-in for devices. I paid $2000 for my Sammy Q8FN and I also got a Sony HT-ST5000 soundbar... Which was technically $2000, but I bought it with points.
It might have been the 3DO. That thing was pretty pricey when it came out if I do recall. I probably paid a fair amount for the Neo-Geo as well.
Bought the GT3 PS2 bundle back in 2001 (?). USD to CAD was about 1.50 and the bundle was $549.99 CAD plus 14% sales tax ($626.99).
Other than the DRE problems it started having some time in 2003/2004, it was a fantastic console (I replaced it with a PS2 Slim ($199.99 CAD >_>) shortly after MGS3 came out). The play time I got from GT3 alone justified the purchase.
My current PC
Fortunately, I got some discounts on this stuff like the mobo/CPU combo and the PSU, so it didn't set me back too much. Still the most expensive hardware I bought for gaming, but it serves other purposes too.
Probably the Geforce GTX Titan graphics card I bought for my PC back in the day when I gamed on PCs... glad those days are behind me. Waste of money.
$700 for a GTX1080
I think my monitor might have been similar (1440p/144hz acer predator of some sort)
TV: $1500
Console? Actually, probably the $349 I paid for PS4. I paid $299 for PS3 slim. $249 for Wii. $199 for PS2. $99 for Gamecube. Don't remember before that. But from the looks of things I guess I'll probably be paying $399 for PS5 LOL. My first computer was around $1000, and my first laptop $2500 back when just getting a laptop was crazy expensive. Those were not even gaming machines (though I did use that desktop for some counter strike and half-life back in the day). My last few PC's have been more budget $500 laptops.
About $2500.00 on a PC in maybe 1994 or thereabouts.
Last desktop I ever bought. Been work desktop PC's and laptops ever since :P
Not including TV's
$1,199 RTX 2080Ti
$999 Titan Black (I bought 2 at the time, so $2K)
$999 GTX 690
$999 i7 5960X
$799 HTC Vive
$799 RTX 2080
Soon - $749 Ryzen 9 3950X
I guess my PC...
But if that doesn't count, it's my Vive.
I've been verrrrry happy with my PC!
And pretty happy with my Vive. The best thing about the Vive is that I have experienced VR now, and I think it is an amazing event. It brought me to tears, because I have deeply loved games for almost 30 years now, and this let me walk inside of one.
My BenQ 3440x1440, 100 Hz monitor, $1000 CDN. After that it was my RTX 2070, $700 as a I recall at sale price.
PS3 at close to 800. Couldn't find them anywhere at launch, so broke down and bought one off eBay.
Thus that expression, "A fool and their money are soon parted with."
PS3 at close to 800. Couldn't find them anywhere at launch, so broke down and bought one off eBay.
Thus that expression, "A fool and their money are soon parted with."
If he still has it, it's not too bad I guess. I wish mine didn't YLOD
The original 60GB is the best way to play ps2 games today
PS3 at close to 800. Couldn't find them anywhere at launch, so broke down and bought one off eBay.
Thus that expression, "A fool and their money are soon parted with."
If he still has it, it's not too bad I guess. I wish mine didn't YLOD
The original 60GB is the best way to play ps2 games today
I do, but sadly it doesn't work anymore. I just never got around to getting it fixed. Can't remember what's wrong with it. I don't think it was a YLOD. I think it just blinked red and shut off again.
I guess it would be the Nintendo 64. I imported it from Japan for £399 and I also bought Mario 64 for £60 and Waverace 64 for £90.
Strangely enough I was 15/16 at the time, it wasn’t Christmas or my birthday but I managed to convince my parents to buy it for me.
Now I think about it, it was like a Twilight Zone moment, I must have had some super persuasion powers as they would usually make me earn my money by housework, gardening, or very high exam scores.
I paid $1550ish total for my EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra and the hybrid cooler kit for it.
It was my first time opening up a video card and installing another cooler on it. The trepidation was off the charts, but it turned out well. Max temp before with air cooler was 71C, and now it's 58C and it's much, much quieter.
I paid $1550ish total for my EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra and the hybrid cooler kit for it.
It was my first time opening up a video card and installing another cooler on it. The trepidation was off the charts, but it turned out well. Max temp before with air cooler was 71C, and now it's 58C and it's much, much quieter.
Personally, I would have definitely paid a pro to do it... There's no way i'd trust myself to install a cooler on a 2080ti. I would still be shitting my pants lol.
I paid $1550ish total for my EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra and the hybrid cooler kit for it.
It was my first time opening up a video card and installing another cooler on it. The trepidation was off the charts, but it turned out well. Max temp before with air cooler was 71C, and now it's 58C and it's much, much quieter.
Personally, I would have definitely paid a pro to do it... There's no way i'd trust myself to install a cooler on a 2080ti. I would still be shitting my pants lol.
Yeah, I was visibly shaking. I really should have opened a cheaper card first. Lmao But, it's not that bad. I recently re-opened it to apply some new thermal paste, and found it much easier the 2nd time around.
Way back when the Turbo Graphix 16 CD Rom player Add on launched in 1990. A then $699.99 which got you the TG 16 CD attachment, The carrying case for the BASE Turbo Graphix 16 unit with the CD ROM unit. and a Demo disc.
Keep in mind Nintendo NES was current. Sega Genesis was king, their CD Rom wasn't launched until 1993. So NEC was the first video game manufacturer to have a home CD ROM player for videogames. At the time games on CD were a huge deal. Fighting Street (street fighter 1) and Wonder boy 3 Monster lair were the CD ROM launch titles. I got both games so and extra $79.99 each. TG 16 games on CD were $10.00 more than the regular TG 16 Hu Cards $69.99
$840.00 before tax. So I could be one of the first to game on CD ROM. Which was a big deal in 1990. CD gaming didn't really take off until the Sony Playstation North American launch in Sept 1995.
Video games have always been an expensive hobby/past time/experience. Years later I would piss and moan, Cringe and grape, scream blue murder at the $599.99 price tag of the Launch Playstation 3 fabled 60 Gigger.
So PS5 will be another massive launch day expense. The Tradition continues.....
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