You should both have your licences to play games revoked. Serieously, play any console Zelda game, that isn't #2, and you will at least see what all the fuss is about.
That's not to say I think the handheld games are crap or anything, just I haven't played them. Off the top of my head, TLoZ, TLoZ: ALthP, OoT, and MM are some of my favorite games of all time. I haven't played WW, but it looks awesome.
OoT is my favorite game of all time, and I am playing it again with an ear to ear grin on my face as I go through it again.
Additionally, TLoZ is the only game I've seen every member of my family get in to. From my Dad to my Sister, they all got addicted to that, now ancient, NES game. MY Father recentley told me that TLoZ was the reason he never played another video game again, because it sucked too much time away.
Gotta love it, especially since TLoZ was the very reason I got into gaming in the first place.
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