Well for me it started with a Nes, back then I was just happy to get a gaming system and didn't really care much. I was young and relied on my mom to buy me things.
From the Nes I went ti the Sega Genesis, don't remember if that was my decision or if my mom just randomly got that for me.
The first time I thought long and hard was the decision I had to make between the Saturn, N64 and PS1.... It was tough at the time because my friend had a Saturn and I remember being blown away by Virtua Fighter, Battle Arena Toshinden and a game called D which he owned, on the PS1 side I was very much into fighters so Tekken, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider were games I was interested in playing. Ultimately my decision went with N64 because of mario 64 commercials... talk about being influenced by one game to justify a system purchase huh.... ahh the joys of being a kid. I would later end up having my mom buy me a PS1 as well.
Then the very first system I bought with my own money was the Sega Dreamcast. Shenmue intrigued me as well other games on the system as well.
After this I went on to the Xbox. At the time I had this vision of it being graphically advanced than the ps2 and Gamecube. I would also eventually end up buying a ps2 later on.
After that I went with the 360 but will also eventually end up buying a PS3 later as well. I bought a Wii my first Nintendo system since back during the N64 in 2013 when it was cheap enough for me at $79.
I haven't bought the ps4 or xb1 yet because I'm trying to avoid mistake I made during last gen when I bought the 360 and never got to play some xbox/ps2 games I bought late. This time around I'm going to beat and finish all my current gen games before moving on. How long that will be? I have no idea.... The Wii U I will basically buy when the system hits $150 or less.
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