Casual gamers - people that play for the fun of gaming but play here and there and don't care what people think of them, they play and have fun. These are usually the type of gamers with jobs, that are supporting a family, and have lives outside of gaming. If they lose in a game, it's still fun to them. They don't take it seriously.
Hardcore gamers - The type of gamer that plays only for their reputation. Not necessarily to enjoy gaming but to say "I'm better than so and so" or "I have such and such console so I'm part of the "cool" crowd. These are the type of gamers that claim they love change and new things but when change comes to a franchise they love, they burn down the internet. These are the ones that care about achievements/trophies. These are also the insatiable gamers. The ones that are never satisfied with a game, even if the developer does exactly what the gamers wanted them to. The ones that rely on DLC and buy unfinished games knowingly only to complain about it not being finished. These are the gamers that whine and rage when they are losing in games such as Call Of Duty (usually the underaged children fall into this type of gamer).
True Gamers - Gamers that play games for the fun of it and will put time into games enough to become good yet still have lives outside of gaming. These kind of gamers actually have friends locally to play games with. They love pwning Hardcore gamers just to hear them whine and rage lol
Glad I'm not a Hardcore gamer
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