For me it would definitely have to be ravenholm from Half-Life 2. In my mind nothing comes close to it as far as atmosphere goes.
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Test Chamber 19 (Portal)
Water Temple (OoT... I remember staying up all damn night trying to figure that damn place out.. so rewarding, though :D)
The nerdy dude's castle in SPM
I'm SURE I'll think of more..
Ulitimate Castle Perfection and the Impossible maze. Magma Cone from Spyro 2 is also quite the level. There are so many come to think of it lol. Ice Cap Zone, Chemical Plant, bah. I love platfomrers, so memorable.
Oh crap, I knok its not a level but Final Fantasy 8 assasination scene. So much awesome.
I really cant think of any :?
No level seemed epic to me. Ill have to think more...
Edit: Ive thought some more
Chapter 2 and 4 were both epic in Uncharted 2. Well really all of it has been epic so far.
Last location in LBP. The wilderness.
Having recently just beating infamous again, basically the whole last island is just epic. that's more of a world then a level, but it's still great :P
also, Yoshi's Island has tons. Like, too many to list.
Venom in the original Star Fox was amazing too
Secret Cow level from Diablo 2 Hands down!!!
And there was that one level in Omega Boost (Polyphony's only non-GT game) where you went against a cyborg thingy just as strong as yours. I also love any of the levels from Ikuraga!. But for a console game, ahh probably the milkman conspiracy from Psychonauts. Really I can't pick one,.
Poshley Heights and the Train from Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door.
And Beast's Castle from Kingdom Hearts 2.
Jollly Rogers Lagoon-Banjo Tooie
Chuo Street-Jet Set Radio Future
Nutty Acres-Nuts and Bolts
SIlent Cortagrapher-Halo CE
also, I forget what its called b ut the planet in Ratchet and Clank Up your arsenal where your looking for Qwark cuz he turned into a tribe monster thing :P
Persona 4's Void Quest and Marukyu Striptease.
Demon's Souls Tower of Lataria.
Any of the Mario levels where I'm forced to constantly move, love those runs.
The Secret Cow Level
HAHA OMG I think I love you. Diablo 2 is one of my most favorite PC games of all time.
I still remember the formula: Wirt's Leg + Tome of TP in cube = cow portal
Too bad it was useless on Nightmare and Hell because Chaos Sanctuary was easier and gave more experience. Then it became completely obsolete in Lord of Destruction because of Baal Runs. :(
Hmm let me think...favorite levels..favorite levels..
Besides the Secret Cow Level, here are a few off the top of my head:
Spirit Temple from Ocarina of Time
All of the levels in Giant World from Super Mario Bros. 3
Street Fighter II: Ken, Ryu, and Guile stages.
Super Mario Bros. 3 level where sun chases you the entire time.
That snow themed multiplayer level in Goldeneye 007
Dragon Roost Island in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Any level in Star Fox where you fight Star Wolf simply because of the memorable lines (I am the great Leon! and Can't let you do that, Star Fox.)
Off the top of my head (may change) would be the mech battle in MGS4. That was an epic boss fight that made me crave a good ps3 mech game.:cry: (there is none so far).
Kane & Lynch
The high rise level.
Suitably heisty and hectic progression down through a skyscraper and out into the streets. If only the gameplay wasn't so halfassed this could've been as properly epic as the aspirations of the level deserves.
Three Leaf Clover
This is pretty much the same thing as the K&L level. Meaning it's awesome.
The night level with the purty glowing grass.
Most levels are sort of brilliant in their own way, but I was properly mesmerized by the shiny in this level.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
The party!
A present? For meeee? :D :D BATMAN SMASH! :x
Also some of the Scarecrow stuff was pretty snazzy.
The diner and the apartment.
A different kind of tension and a quantum of solace. And as you can see I managed to make a pointless Bond reference.
The Darkness
The sub hub.
George Hadel! Best minor character ever. He should be in every game.
Shenmue II
The walk
I don't know how I'd feel about it were I to replay it, but then I thought it was unusual and magical.
For me it would definitely have to be ravenholm from Half-Life 2. In my mind nothing comes close to it as far as atmosphere goes.
Uncharted 2 - from "where am I" to the end
Resistance 2 - Chicago
RE5 - Marshlands
those are just some from recent time.
Half-Life: can't rember what it was called exactly but it was when the soilders came.
Half-Life 2: Revenholm and the Prison sections cause lets face it, they are awesome.
L4D: No mercy map 4 (the hospital), good times.
TF2: 2fort nuff said
RE4: Opening village sequence
THPS3: Los angeles
skate: Very first skatepark or demo skatepark
Then there are plenty others but none i can think of right now.
just to add a few more
Donkey Kong 64-DK Isles (one of the best hubs EVER)
Mario 64-Jolly Rogers Bay
Pokemon Silver-Olivine City(not sufe if the towns in that game count as levels)
Gex 3-that elf snow themed level
I have A LOT. These are probably my top 5 favorites though in no order:
The Silent Cartographer- Halo: Combat Evolved
Click Clock Wood- Banjo Kazooie
Tiny Huge World- Super Mario 64
Phendrana Drifts- Metroid Prime
Eternal Glacies- Panzer Dragoon Orta
And a lot more, but those are some of my very, very, VERY most favorite ones.
I have A LOT. These are probably my top 5 favorites though in no order:
The Silent Cartographer- Halo: Combat Evolved
Click Clock Wood- Banjo Kazooie
Tiny Huge World- Super Mario 64
Phendrana Drifts- Metroid Prime
Eternal Glacies- Panzer Dragoon Orta
And a lot more, but those are some of my very, very, VERY most favorite ones.
good job, those are my favorite levels in both of those games :P
Nar Shaddaa from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. G0-T0's speech near the end of it basically destroys everything you thought you knew and loved about the ending of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and it's totally awesome in doing so.
Loved it to hell also Ravenholm, the X18 labs in STALKERThe Citadel at the end of Mass Effect.
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