Inb4 the "lol u guiz having metldowns over the opinions of others"
Newsflash: people are getting paid to have a relevant opinion; therefore, it should be our right to subject these opinions to scrutiny.
With that all said: what is in your opinion of a great game from 2019 that got hugely snubbed over major gaming platforms - whether it's on Gamespot, the VGA's, IGN or etc.
So - System Wars - let's take a time to vent over our picks of the great snubs of 2019 over the award season.
My pick is Astral Chain. I am okay with it not being nominated for overall GOTY but it is just offensive Gamespot could not even acknowledge it as one of the best Switch games of 2019.
To make matters worse is Gamespot had to put a novelty experience like Untitled Goose Game above a fleshed-out game like Astral Chain. Seriously, what were they thinking? Was Untitled Goose Game even the best indie game of 2019? I think not!
Untitled Goose Game is only there because it was a viral meme sensation - a sensation you will play for an hour or two once, and any other times you'll play it is when you're either drunk or high with your friends and you're trying to be random.
What the hell were you thinking, Gamespot?
Anyways, what is your pick(s) of snubbed games this year from the prominent award season platforms?
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