Hello there!
So yeah, its just a random post that I thought of whilst listening to music whilst gaming.
For example, I need something calm like "The audition" or "Panic at the disco" whilst playing an RPG,
a dance track for FPS, or rock for gears of war...
So what I'm asking is... is there a certain band/song/genre that you listen to whilst you play acertain game/genre,
can you concentrate with music on whilst gaming? Do you get distracted from the game if listening to music, or block out the music because you're playing the game? Or can't concentrate if a certain band is playing when you're playing a game you wouldn't listen to it when playing that game... (Like, for me, rock whilst playing an RTS)
Sorry for the large amount fo questions! But it's just pretty cool to know haha!
Thanks very much =D
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